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johnyb last won the day on October 11 2014

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  1. All the prize money goes to the CSA. CSA then chooses how to divide it up. There will never be enough prize money to make everyone happy.
  2. Just wait until we get wins against Peru and Chile
  3. Not sure about other venues, but at Valour home games, the premium seats include access to The Pinnacle Club. The Pinnacle Club provides Free popcorn, private bars and washrooms and is indoors. Steep price, but definitely more than just a better seat.
  4. Damn, that conflicts with Italy vs Albania! Surely they could've had it 1 hour earlier.
  5. Just curious, will there be any kind of opening ceremonies for Copa before the 1st match?
  6. No American coach, is ever going to be praised in England.
  7. Looks like a lot more than DOUBLE!
  8. I still have my One Soccer app. Was waiting to see if more Canadians join Serie A (David, Kone) before switching to Fubo. Looks like I'll just stick around now. I also have TLN which shows random Serie A matches on Sunday's.
  9. Maybe this was the plan all along to wait until after his game. Would explain the smaller roster knowing they were going to add to it.
  10. If the Women's league comes to fruition, does that put an end to CSA subsidizing CWNT salaries?
  11. Ahh, I don't remember that line from the movie, but I'll trust your memory.
  12. I believe that was Iceland referenced in the Mighty Ducks, but doesn't take away from your point. In the original script it was Canada, but Disney didn't want to offend their biggest out of country market.
  13. He came on at 85', Game went 120' and Porto wins Taca
  14. I hope he takes Biello for Biello's sake. I like the guy, but you make some good points about why he shouldn't be there.
  15. Maybe it should have been the "Subway Globally Inspired CMNT Roster release"
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