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ted last won the day on March 19 2020

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    Canada, Pacific FC, Highlanders, Arsenal, LEGO


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    Victoria, BC (British Canuckistan)
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    LEGO, Victoria Highlanders

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  1. It was great that we could come over on a day trip as away fans but I totally get the issue. Saturday afternoons in Victoria everyone heads for the hills/beaches and our attendances aren't much better. Sad as it was a great game all around, especially so for the home fans.
  2. Yeah, it's not only bad, but they are now pretending that "the fans" came up with it. 🙄
  3. Haven't read a newspaper in years but I would prefer this approach in all media. I have been saying for literally decades that promoting a national league should include this sort of approach that emphasizes Canadian cities. People care far more about Victoria v Halifax than they do about Pacific v Wanderers.
  4. You missed the point I was making. PFC did not make that decision. The capacity is indeed capped BY THE MUNICIPALITY which owns the stadium. 🙄
  5. Sorry for the delay in responding. Pacific have ABSOLUTELY NOT, "chosen to cap attendance this season at 5k". They have no say in the expansion of the municipally-owned and operated stadium. They MIGHT be able to squeeze a couple more portable stands on the North side but that area is already getting pretty heavy use thanks to the return of the beer garden. I think you'd get less people interested in sitting on aluminum bleachers.
  6. Victoria to Kamloops for L1BC matches is 1.5 hrs on the ferry and 5.5 hrs minimum of driving time. That's simply the reality of a league in Canada and has to be accounted for in planning and operations.
  7. So no away fans travelled between Calgary and Edmonton or Hamilton and York? I find that hard to believe.
  8. Given that Bustos was never the same after his injury two years ago, and contributed not very much in 2022, I think the impact of his leaving is minimal or PFC. Irving and Dixon are far more significant losses.
  9. Derbies increase attendance and this is as "local" as we are ever gonna get in this league.
  10. The CSB is the CanPL owners, at least the original ones. I have never seen anything about whether expansion teams* were invited to join. *only Ottawa at this point because VFC is owned by the same people as PFC so they are already part of CSB.
  11. I will never not boost this idea. It is THE ONLY WAY to achieve independent sustainability long-term IMO. To be fair, the CFL/CanPL combo is a close second that MAY end up working long-term.
  12. That would be unrealistic and a huge step backwards.
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