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    Munich, Germany.

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  1. Hi all, I was looking for a Canada World Cup song/video (in the line of "Football's Coming Home") and I couldn't find one. I therefore set some scenes to the Arkells "Years in the Making" and I came out of lurking for 10 years (!) to share it: Hope you enjoy it. Still can't believe we actually qualified.
  2. Mods maybe spin off a new thread, but ... I'm generally on the no scores/standings no pro/rel format for youth soccer. Instead of just hoping that bad coaches will get relegated I think the better approach in Canada is to commit to enforcing coaching standards. If a coach is sacrificing development for winning, (s)he should be removed from the team by the technical director.
  3. That is correct. See the other thread, but essentially while they were originally barred from OPDL, the rules were relaxed, but they decided that subjecting their financials to audit was a cost too high.
  4. Actually, now that Hwy 7 is divided all the way to Carleton Place, it is much less remote than it used to be.
  5. I showed my 12 year old the article; last summer he could regularly do 200 - now he has a new goal.
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