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  • Biography
    Michael Juby was jazz funk fusion act formed in Arnprior, Ontario in 1985 until Michael and Juby broke up in the early 2000's. In 2004, tired of being a head without a body, Michael relented and picked Juby up (who was still were Michael had left him on the side of the 401). The two have been inseperable ever since and Juby's vision has since returned...somewhat.
  • Location
    North York, Ontario, Canada.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. To throw out a little more to compare, Massimo Mirabelli, a decent goal scorer from SC Toronto (CSL) looks like he's a good goal scorer in the Finnish 3rd tier. Interestingly, because SC Toronto were/are a relatively strong CSL team, I don't think he was the consistant starter but he might be in Finland. edit: although it's his first season, hopefully he'll climb up the ranks.
  2. Anyone know his passport situation? I'm mostly asking off of old Football Manager knowlegde, IIRC he was listed to be both Canadian and Ghanaian (he's cap tied, right?) and I know there's a few exceptions for some African (and a few other) passports (in the 2009 and 2010 versions I made a killing signing guys from Africa to the Spanish third division despite the only EU restrictions (Jamaican's too, but not Canadians of course *rolls eyes*)). This could all be an game error, or changed by now and for all we know someone just typed in Ghanaian because they heard a refrence to his background but he's actually just got a Canadian passport/citizenship (I'm pretty sure some of the Canadians in the game with dual nationalities are answering more openly then in any strict legal sense). Sadly, simply being just Canadian is probably one of the more useless football passports in Europe, we should make a thread of league rules at each division so we can pretty much pin (or even raise general knowledge of the situation) where that player is going. For example, let's say we knew Nana was just Canadian, we can probably eliminate a lot of the top divisions and he'd pretty much know he's going to scandanavia to start (and have a handy list of the more liberal 2nd and 3rd divisions). It would probably be too difficult but making a few decent exceptions that our dual nationality guys could exploit might be worthwhile too. If someone had a new version of FM, it wouldn't be completly accurate but a couple hours writing down league nationality rules might be a good starting point.
  3. Is it just me or isn't that something they should find embaressing? The idea that a snake like Owen ********** is more English because of his horse**** blood then a young and successful immigrant who's lived their since he was 13 is just... (insert rant here) If this is at all true or even an actual 'point' in Engand, I hope to god he gives them the finger rather then a phony feel good moment about 5 decades too late.
  4. thanks! it probably will be better then my copy (I won't find out for a few hours though)
  5. I've never used a .vob file but if you get a moment over the next few months, maybe you could put up the .avi file to a download site. If you can, thanks.
  6. I meant the forum maxxed, easy way to figure this out, the copy I have is approximately 882.78 MB, if yours is too, then sorry I wasted your time
  7. ohhhh, quick question did you get these off maxxed, cause nevermind if you did (thats where I got mine), I just realized I was confused, I thought the second video was the Canada france game (and the next would be Canada hungary) so I just skipped ahead and checked the video quality without looking carefully enough, and not seeing the bizarre off colour lines I thought it was a better copy (now realizing it's the wrong game). I might just have all the same video's anyway so sorry if I wasted your time, if anyone though has a better quality Canada France video I could probably use it (I have Canada honduras qualifier from 85 too, it would be a great quality except for a some odd black spots)
  8. these video's seem like a higher quality then the one's I have access to, I was going to make wc 86 highlights video's eventually but I never seem to get around to them (for example, right now the V-cup is just such a long process it's brought most of my enthusiasm to halt for all video's) so it's no hurry but eventually I might want to use these to make highlights instead of the video's I got. Do you think at some point in the next few months you might be able to put the file on megaupload or something (I don't like using streams because every extra conversion process on the file lowers quality)?
  9. DJT would probably know best, he might see this in a day or two and might help you. Tarnado et al. - I found that you should probably limit the video's to one per post to keep it from making things too laggy, it seems annoying but I just post each individually now even if it means I'll have to post a few times in a row and it seems to help.
  10. Thank you so much for all the effort this season, I got the portugal fc brantford game dl'd and will eventually make a video for it when I get a bit of motivation, if anyone wanted to recommend a good game from the season it'd probably get done sometime this winter
  11. I think I vaguely recall catching like a minute of toronto croatia vs what I can only remember as 'one of the expansion teams', so it might have been, not at all sure though
  12. thanks djt, i'll hopefully make a few videos over the next week or so, and a question to anyone who has an fbtz account, I had one but either from when I didn't have internet or when my past computers died my account lapsed, when registration opens do you think you can give me pm?
  13. it's like the last sentence in a bunch of their news items
  14. I saw that too, eventually your eyes kinda adjust but just about the worst kit combination possible (I'm guessing someone at the astros dropped the ball but I got no clue) and it was a great surprise to see that travelling support, I'm not quite as broke lately so I'll probably catch a game live (I'm thinking the home game against london (good chance it'll be a win) on the 8th and I noticed on the site, $5 entrance to home games if you wear orange.)
  15. I've been having the same problem, sometimes I check the website, sometimes I tune in when I see it on the tv guide channel, usually it's wrong or off by a half (might just be the toronto rogers channel), on the brightside, its been a while since I've lucked out seeing what the 'rogers special presentation' is but I caught a game a week or two ago on that. anyways, thanks for all the work
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