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  1. They have signed a handful to multi-year contracts and I wouldn't be surprised if there is a 'club option' to extend in Williams' contract. But, it is frustrating when you see teams like HFX getting Rea on a multi-year deal. Wasn't Akio's deal with Cavalry something like 3 and a half years too?
  2. But would things be different if they could make the playoffs?
  3. I agree. There is a vast difference in the calibre of players at Valour in comparison to the rest of the league. I think they need to take a long, hard look at the squad and see who can give a good showing and not fall short (Antonoglu), find talented players to strengthen the side and take it from there. Realistically, look for a commanding CB, a CM who can pick out a pass and a SC who can score on a regular basis.
  4. This!! Valour lack consistency. But, is that the coach or the players?
  5. At the same time, is it a case of PDS is a bad coach, or that he doesn't have the full backing of the board?
  6. Player retention will be affected by league performance and budget constraints. Take a look at the season Atletico Ottawa had compared to Valour. If you were de Brienne and Yesli, where would you want to play? On the other hand, if a player has the sort of season like Antonoglu is having and a "bigger" team comes sniffing around, it is a no brainer unless you are constantly pushing for top spot. On the budget side of things, Valour finish bottom and offer player 'X' a certain amount to renew because it's all they are allowed, if someone like HFX offer the same or slightly more, where would you go? Which brings me to recruitment. What sort of scouting/player recruitment setup do Valour actually have? Are we not finding good enough players due to not having the scouting reach? Or because we can't afford them?
  7. Not a very clear image so google image search didn't find anything
  8. Raises the question though, What happened to Kour? I think Murasiranwa wants to play regularly and wont get that with Viscosi there. Artemenko would be happy to stay as backup as he is happy to train with them as backup/emergency keeper with 2 other keepers ahead of him. Plus, he has a really good relationship with Di Stefani.
  9. Noticed in a recent Instagram post by Valour that Artemenko is still there. Is he just training with Valour or is he actually registered to play?
  10. I know Valour have made some questionable decisions, but would they really have not retained him and left us with only 2 central defenders?
  11. Well Froese is now a free agent, so that could be a good shout.
  12. Makes you wonder, could Williams have been removed from the roster as a long term injury which could have freed up wages to try and bring Rea back? I mean, that could have been done, right? The lack of news on Williams is worrying.
  13. Thanks for that. Didn't OSU rebrand to become Atletico OSU?
  14. Does anyone know where I can find information on Canadian teams and their affiliate clubs? Some are obvious (LFC IA Mississauga, BVB IA Waterloo) and the CPL clubs are (usually) listed, but does anyone know of any others? I know Valour have 5 local teams, one of which is also linked with Celtic in Scotland.
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