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    cornerkick got a reaction from Addona in CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Panama- Sunday, June 5 4pm PT / 7pm ET, BC Place, Vancouver   
    agreed.  they are professional athletes, and this isin't the first time money or contract disputes have been an issue while having to play matches
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    cornerkick reacted to keysersoze in CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Panama- Sunday, June 5 4pm PT / 7pm ET, BC Place, Vancouver   
    I support the players, but man I'd love some proper confirmation this match is taking place. It's an hour plus drive for me to get to the game so it's not worst case if I have to leave a little later than anticipated, but I know there were people from the island coming over. It would be brutal for them to make the trip for no match.
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    cornerkick reacted to Ivan in CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Panama- Sunday, June 5 4pm PT / 7pm ET, BC Place, Vancouver   
    El Salvador players did this right before their WCQ match with us and they played their hearts out.  It won't affect their game.  Get this sorted out asap so as to not linger too close to the WC.  This happens in every federation, just more difficult with us because we have no money.
  4. Like
    cornerkick reacted to Unnamed Trialist in The Importance of the Players vs CSA Pay Dispute   
    People are confusing concepts here. 
    1. You get paid to represent the national team. Everyone called up. Then there may be differentiation for starters, subs, bench, but some NTs don't do that (unfair to 2nd keeper, etc). 
    2. You complement appearance pay with conditions. Like flights, hotels. Even material. We had a situation like this with the women back in the Charmaine Hooper days. 
    We seem to be doing alright in pts 1 and 2 lately. 
    3. Incentives and bonuses. Agreed to before a tournament or round of matches. Results. We assume the players had bonuses agreed to before WC qualifying for this, since some players may not get to the WC but helped qualify. If they didn't, that could be a reason there's more pressure to sort this out now. That also could be the reason for the 33 players reference, but suggests they did not have a qualification bonus signed previously. That's on the captains if they did not push for that beforehand. 
    I think just making Qatar should be rewarded in our case, but that the revenue used for this should be previous to (apart from) the FIFA payouts. 
    4. Qatar. We can't argue about what others do since every country is different. Others won't pay any extra if they don't get past the group. Others have more or less revenue. In our case IMO just playing deserves a core bonus and % of the payout. I'd add to that for points won, wins. As getting out of the group garners higher FIFA payouts, players would try to get a % of those. It seems the % should rise in our case for every extra step we achieve. 
    5. This matters as it's standard player bonus stuff. But also because we have huge salary differences amongst the men, not as much as the women (where NCAA amateurs play alongside those making 250k), but still. 60,000 here or there matters little to some and is almost a year's salary for others. This is part of the logic of the captains ensuring minimums: it makes more difference to the guys on modest salaries. 
    6. We have to differentiate between money for players and money for a programme. If equity sharing is done, that sound like pooling for a programme and not some deal where a Kennedy header puts money in Grosso's pocket. One thing is pooling for future payouts, enriching them over time, another is direct payouts to players. What did the women get as a bonus for winning gold? 
    7. That 33 players reference throws me off but let's say 25 players go to Qatar. A million in bonus, 10%,would give them 40,000 each for the first round, which from what I've seen would be the lowest bonus of all teams. 40% would mean 160k each, better but still not anything that high compared to other nations.
    Experienced nations going to the WC know how to monetize it, they even have deals where sponsors pay more for greater goals reached. We don't seem to have this worked out, so the CSA seems incapable of understanding that qualifying is supposed to enable income well beyond the FIFA payouts. 
    8. Consider this: just the missed benefits from the Iran debacle (thinking if it had been Algeria or Ecuador it would have also sold out), which I calculate as over 2 million, would have covered most of the difference left on the bargaining table. 
    9. I don't care that much about the whole family travel and tickets business. But since the CSA gets an allotment, if they're not going to the players they are going to the president of Soccer Nova Scotia and to some Bontis brother in law. So better to family of players and coaching staff than to the CSA patronage network. 
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    cornerkick reacted to Approve My Account Pls in The Importance of the Players vs CSA Pay Dispute   
    Honestly this is truly fucking incredible. All the goodwill of our qualification run out the window from the Iran shitshow and now this, not to mention all the "minor" transgressions we put up with along the way. The group of players we have right now, both in the MNT and the WNT, are the best we've ever had and some of the best stories in international football, period. The rest of Canada and the footballing world as a whole were literally ready to embrace Canada's rise to relevancy and behind the scenes of Canada Soccer has effectively said nah fuck that we're going to continue to be a rock bottom organization. What a joke.
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    cornerkick got a reaction from Edgewater17 in The Importance of the Players vs CSA Pay Dispute   
    This is the 2nd story by this reporter regarding the CanMNT in recent weeks.  I'm not familiar with his work, but I don't recall him in the qualification cycle (apologies if he was covering it).  Wouldn't the players have a closer rapport with someone like KJ, and go to him first?  Or does KJ and the onesoccer team know about this also but are keeping hush due to contractual obligations?
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    cornerkick reacted to Ally McCoist in The Importance of the Players vs CSA Pay Dispute   
    This list keeps getting bigger.
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    cornerkick reacted to Ally McCoist in The Importance of the Players vs CSA Pay Dispute   
    OneSoccer will never talk bad about the CSA. They have their own issue that they've swept under the rug.
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    cornerkick reacted to OhCanadaOhBaby in The Importance of the Players vs CSA Pay Dispute   
    Rick Westhead is a really talented report for TSN. He covered the national team a little bit during Quali; however, his bread and butter is the high impact, serious, and controversial news in sports. For example, he broke the Chicago Blackhawks SA news this year as well as some other injustices in sport stories. 
    that would be the only reason to go to him first with that kind of info because he is really good at what he does in that regard 
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    cornerkick reacted to Weng in CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Panama- Sunday, June 5 4pm PT / 7pm ET, BC Place, Vancouver   
    Compensation for winning WCQ games, the percentage of money players get from World Cup money, and the CSA paying for their families and tickets to go to Qatar.
  12. Sad
    cornerkick reacted to VinceA in The Importance of the Players vs CSA Pay Dispute   
    Nick Bontis' appearance on the Northern Futbol podcast have not aged well. Coupled with all the stories about him in previous years, this man is probably not the right man to lead the CSA.
  13. Haha
    cornerkick reacted to Ally McCoist in The Importance of the Players vs CSA Pay Dispute   
    Relevant tweet.  

  14. Sad
  15. Sad
  16. Thanks
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    cornerkick got a reaction from grigorio in CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Panama- Sunday, June 5 4pm PT / 7pm ET, BC Place, Vancouver   
    i agree that changes need to happen at soccer Canada.  It happens all the time in the business world.  Current management takes an entity to a certain level, and then they get replaced by people who are more experienced, can take things to the cliched "next level".  The change can be due to self recognition of limitations, but sometimes its not and you need a nudge to get things going... hello board of directors? 
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    cornerkick reacted to Bison44 in CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Panama- Sunday, June 5 4pm PT / 7pm ET, BC Place, Vancouver   
    Someone from CSA or the coaching staff needed to get in front of this and present their side, and it seems like they are all hiding somewhere.  You know..." Iran would have been good prep, lots of Iranian fans, 400k is a standard fee for the traveling team and we didnt realize there would be a backlash and we cancelled it when we saw it was a problem..now on to our new opponent and our wonderful team".
    If only we had some sort of TED talk giving, detail oriented, camera loving guy in charge to "fight for the shirt" like he wants the players to do.  Take some heat for the program, take some blame and get the media off the old story and on to the new one...tearing Panama a new AHOLE in front of a packed house in Van and preping for the WC in the fall. 
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    cornerkick reacted to sose in CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Panama- Sunday, June 5 4pm PT / 7pm ET, BC Place, Vancouver   
    if you pay for Fubo tv you can get the game (on the onesoccer chanel) 
    IMHO Fubo is a better deal because they will have EPL rights for the coming season.. so you can get Canada soccer content and the EPL (and some other leagues Serie A, Ligue 1 etc)
  21. Sad
    cornerkick reacted to CanadaFan123 in CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Panama- Sunday, June 5 4pm PT / 7pm ET, BC Place, Vancouver   
    The most ironic/hilarious part of our leadership is how Nick Bontis is apparently a professor on human capital? Like they say, those who can’t do ... teach. I don’t think you could manage to screw up an absolute tap in like the CSA has. They’ve been handed generational stars and a World Cup team and can’t even manage to break even. 
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    cornerkick reacted to Ozzie_the_parrot in CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Panama- Sunday, June 5 4pm PT / 7pm ET, BC Place, Vancouver   
    He played for London Portuguese in WOSL premier (Ontario Cup winners in that era, but forget if he would have been on the team that year) and London City in CPSL (City were not that good but the Toronto Olympians and Ottawa Wizards were fully pro) at that point. The top end of both of those leagues were a step up in quality from the UWO team at the time. Played against him quite a few times in indoor leagues and tournaments and he was scarily fast with a very good first touch. If he had grown up in Greece rather than Canada I suspect he probably would have played professionally.
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    cornerkick reacted to king1010 in CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Panama- Sunday, June 5 4pm PT / 7pm ET, BC Place, Vancouver   
    Bontis taught me at Mac. Good guy. Always had multiple things on the go. Thought there were two of him to handle the workload. Not surprised hes juggling these two major roles. 
    also lets not forget he played varsity soccer at western and continued to play in some pretty competitive mens leagues.  
  24. Haha
    cornerkick reacted to Unnamed Trialist in CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Panama- Sunday, June 5 4pm PT / 7pm ET, BC Place, Vancouver   
    I was already hoping he was an MD for his skills in scheduling and rescheduling. 
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    cornerkick reacted to maplebanana in CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Panama- Sunday, June 5 4pm PT / 7pm ET, BC Place, Vancouver   
    Dr. Bontis has a PhD in business from Western and has been a professor at McMaster for at least 20 years. His area of research is on human capital. He was my business strategy professor, albeit 17 years ago. He was an excellent prof.
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