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  1. A short clip that shows the goals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRs61jbzl7M
  2. Any idea where this tournament will be televised? One Soccer?
  3. Thanks for that. Also, I see MLS writer Sam Jones spent most of his column today discussing the changes: Sorry but we need to talk about the new roster rules https://www.mlssoccer.com/news/your-friday-kickoff-what-do-the-new-mls-roster-rules-mean-for-your-team
  4. I've never understood MLS roster rules. How are these changes different from the current rules? Teams can still only sign three DPs. Also, why would a team give up a DP spot in favour of a U22 spot?
  5. Wins the Western Conference title last year with an expansion team and then gets the boot this season. What have you done for me lately?
  6. So should Toronto fans be on the lookout for a mid-season implosion?
  7. Yep. Despite their troubles, the Whitecaps are in fifth place in the West. I fully expect them to make the playoffs but I doubt they'll be able to do much once they're there with the present team.
  8. They had their chances but just couldn't put them away.
  9. Since a fair number of people around here know more about soccer tactics than I do, I have a question: Does a formation change from 3-5-2 to 3-4-3 really make that much difference in the course of play? To my untrained eye, it seems that players are moving all over the field anyways, regardless of the stated formation.
  10. That, and it helps when six or seven Kansas players just stand around and watch him.
  11. The interview can be found here. Starts at around 26:15. https://www.sportsnet.ca/650/halford-brough-morning/will-lekkerimaki-make-the-canucks-next-year/
  12. The game this Wednesday against Kansas is by no means a "must win" game. But if the Whitecaps lose against the team with the fourth worst record in the league and a 1-3-3 home record the heat on the Whitecaps and Vanni will rise several degrees.
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