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  1. I guess the CPL fans have never heard of an endowed coaching positon. They’re just familiar with paying for things by robbing Peter to pay Paul. Here’s and explanation from someone familiar. https://medium.com/@kevinablue/how-coaching-endowments-work-and-why-they-are-important-809a477e6ec4
  2. Two points I found interesting in the piece 1) The well off European based players aren't as involved in the negotiations. It isn't a "priority" to them. So the argument that the rich greedy players are being selfish is dispelled. 2) Montagliani's "stick to sports" quote. If that kind of dismissive attitude and parochial lack of understanding of the importance of elite talents was persuasive at high levels of the CSA it's no wonder it's taken so long to get this all in the rear view mirror. What a douchebag.
  3. I think they must all be mechanical engineers because all they ever want to talk about are levers.
  4. That was dodgy to say the least. Based on his facial expression you could tell too Davies thought it was a pen.
  5. This is false and I find it surprising with all of the CPL fans on this board it has yet to be corrected. He has two jobs. One at one soccer and one as VP of Media at the CPL. CPL=CSB https://canpl.ca/leadership/
  6. Why is that burden placed on the players? Why are they the ones told to sacrifice? They did their job extremely well exceeded all expectations and qualified for the World Cup and now they should “get some humility” and give away the performance bonus they earned for making the world cup to cover for those that did not do their jobs well? Especially when those jobs have nothing to do with playing the game. Hey National team player. Not only is your job to play left back but you are also responsible for funding youth camps, the CPL AND there are some other staff that need to be paid too so sorry but your performance bonus is going towards that. If you ask questions about where all the money is going then obviously you’re not fit to wear the shirt you millionaire ingrate!
  7. That’s non responsive why would the CSB get the largest number of votes? So we’ve handed them all the sponsorship money AND they get the most number of votes. 15 times more than the players. 1.5 times more than Ontario and Quebec. Ridiculous. Also telling that one soccer tries to hide this fact by bundling their 15 votes with mls.
  8. This to me shows everything you need to know about where one soccer stands. The fact that they try and hide that the fact CSB gets 15!!! Votes is telling. I hope this (the CSB getting a disproportionate amount of votes) gets rectified before the next election. It’s a joke.
  9. It’s better than Sportsnet but that’s a low bar. Times are changing. The Raps broke through the glass ceiling when they won the 🏆 The men’s team captured millions of eyes during the qualifying. The days where hockey and it’s xenophobic undertones is stealing all of the oxygen in the Canadian sports landscape are numbered. Maybe the people in the CPL towns aren’t seeing it yet but it’ll spread there soon enough. There’s good reason to be bullish on the prospects of soccer in Canada. We just need some confident people who believe in the prospects of the game in leadership though.
  10. This is where you will find the people who are so desperate for pro soccer in their “city” and for what they call a national soccer broadcaster that any questioning of how we got here is twisted into some sort of “why do you hate Canada Soccer” accusation. Or why do you like MLS it’s American! Or TSN sucks!! They lose their minds.
  11. Deleted since I pulled a Gerry Dobson. Shame on me
  12. Respectfully-that’s a massive word salad with not a lot of substance. Like reading a kids essay when they want to hit a word count. In fact I would argue that the parts I’ve quoted actually highlight the inherent flaws in reducing the financial risks by outsourcing the business ops for a flat fee. You’re saying soccer has moved to a better place, the CSA had to take more financial risks and take on a more business focus but with the CSB deal they did the opposite. They assumed a horrible soccer landscape/results (as shown by the low fee and the length of the term) and they reduced all financial risk by outsourcing most of the ops. I agree that with what I quoted of your post which is why the CSB bugs me.
  13. At what cost? There seems to be the sentiment of “thank goodness” for Bob Young and his partners because without them we wouldn’t have a CPL. What does that say about the market’s opinion of the viability of a Canadian only pro league? If the market was saying this will fail economically, what does that say about the type of unbalanced terms Vic would have to offer in order to convince people to invest? As I’ve mentioned before in this thread, it’s the terms of the agreement or the lack of disclosure of the terms that have us in this mess.
  14. No We have the CPL because Vic wanted hosting the World Cup on his legacy and didn’t want to bother asking if MLS might count or if there was a possible work around to the condition (if it is in fact a condition). In his rush to get this done before he left we have this crap deal. I wonder if we will ever find out how the CSB people were chosen and if there were other parties interested.
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