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  1. I'd selfishly love him at Atleti since La Liga is already on TSN. All these different streaming services are silly.
  2. Davies panenka does not bug me. This game was first lost with our squandered chances on the first half. It was secondly lost by not closing out the game. All in all I'm quite impressed. I would have liked our chances had we had two periods of extra time.
  3. He got carded so that is quite literally consequential. I suppose you've already signed off on the loss I guess. Maybe because your dreadful David is off. Losers mentality.
  4. I think we're lacking some intensity. I'm seeing players kind of switch off when they pass on the ball. Not expecting balls to the wall like Venezuela but it feels a little static.
  5. I just saw Marsch speaking with Wileman in regards to the penalties and it appears Johnston was supposed to be sixth and that it was him to seek Kone to take it in the moment.
  6. Hard and low and if the keeper gets a foot to it, great we have a corner. We have to hold him to the standard that he has set, which is second goalscorer in Ligue 1 this year. Or we can make excuses for mediocrity.
  7. We're sloppy but Venezuela hasn't been able to adjust to our press. We came out guns blazing though, need Goooaaall woo
  8. I stand corrected. I see the line was drawn at the header now.
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