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  1. Thanks, very excited! I wish more people here could have made it. The Americans shouldn't think Canada doesn't have supporters if there's a small contingent of Canadians there
  2. I'm awaiting info from Concacaf on a ticket (inside thing), but if that falls through I'm gonna get a single in the lower bowl hopefully behind the Canada bench, if I can figure out which bench it is. It's easier to get good tickets when you're solo.
  3. Looking forward to seeing and meeting everyone
  4. Anybody on the 9:20 a.m. United/Air Canada flight to Nashville out of Pearson tomorrow morning?
  5. I'm surprised you got the test for free because the places I've checked list no cost, but when I call or dig further they all charge for it. I'm going to sit on my own in the lower level so Amercans can see me in my Canada regaiia. i'm going to try to hang a canadian and city of Toronto flag on a railing if possible
  6. Thanks for the reply. I'm new to this board. I tried to call the CVS I booked an appointment at and could only reach a virtual assistant that said the cost was around $140 but i don't know if that's for everyone or just locals. On top of that it's only drive through and I won;t have a car there so to have to Uber it there and get it done in that way is awkward. Imagine what the driver would think. I think I'm going to get it done at the clinic, the ink to which you posted so thanks for proviidng that
  7. That's my plan too except I'll get my antigen test on Wed instead of Thurs. Where are you getting your PCR test and is there a cost? The info i received from United Airlines which has links to the dept of health and homeland shows locations for tests in Tennessee and the walgreens and CVS show no cost.
  8. Hi, where did you get the info on the cost of the covid test? The dept of homeland health provides links to places that provide the test - Walgreens, CVS, etc. and they don't list a cost. Are those only for locals? I'm sure intl people will be reading that info. I'm confused. Just when you think you have the info you see something contradictory. i booked an appointment for a drive through covid test at a cvs location and it says nothing about a cost
  9. I’ll be in Nashville for the USA game and looking to meet other Canada fans. Anyone else going?
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