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  1. Once walked 10mins to get beer in 35C and had to sit in the beer fridge for 10mins to recover. Called my wife to pick me up, instead of walking back.
  2. The coach or manager or psychologist that can unlock this mystery will be worth their weight in gold.
  3. I was attending a show at the Ottawa Jazz Festival last night, which started at 7pm. There were at least 2 people watching the game on their phone up until the start of the concert (coincided with end of first half). Kudos to you, my brothers.
  4. I just watched the first half. It wasn't great but not disaster level like some people suggested. I wouldn't say the whole team sucked, it was really half the team. Peru was poor as well. The heat obviously played a role (especially after 20mins) - and impacted a couple players more than others who were hanging on for dear life. The pressing gassed them, there is no doubt. By the 25th minute, it was like we were playing with 7 outfield players. Koné really never got going, so I don't think heat was his issue. Even in the first 5mins, he looked slower than everyone (in movement and thought). FWIY - There were 2 water breaks and both desperately needed. One triggered by Crépeau going down (à la Borjan) before a Peru corner.
  5. If 2026 is the main focus, he will roll Kone out there again.
  6. I haven't been able to watch the full game (yet) - but were there really no water breaks? And they didn't water the pitch before the game or at half? If so, that's insane.
  7. The tournament policy doesn't have anything definitive - mostly "guidelines" and best practices: https://copaamerica.com/en/news/Exertional-Heat-Stroke-in-Soccer-Medical-Recommendations
  8. It won't be the typical sub situations. They will have to keep an eye for anyone struggling from possible heat exhaustion. It may require non-tactical subs. (e.g. Uruguay subbed a CB at half the other day: https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5587222/2024/06/24/ronald-araujo-copa-america-uruguay/)
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