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Approve My Account Pls

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    Approve My Account Pls reacted to P-O in Canadian Dual Nationals 2.0 Edition, Chase for the 5 stars   
    Another 16 yo dual national with the assist at the 93rd minute in the CPL.
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    Approve My Account Pls reacted to WestHamCanadianinOxford in Daniel Jebbison   
    Obviously track speed and game speed are somewhat different things but sure looks to be back from the blood clot.
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    Approve My Account Pls reacted to cronaldo7 in Lucas Cavallini   
    I bet missing out on Copa has lit a fire underneath him. As realistic or unrealistic as it seems to us that he's done with the CANMNT, I bet that he still strongly believes that he has more to give to the national team. 
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    Approve My Account Pls reacted to Atlantic in Class of 2005   
    Tiago Codinha Is in preseason training with Heracles Almelo (Eredivisie) and started in the midfield in their latest friendly 
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    Approve My Account Pls reacted to GasPed in Canada and the 2024 Copa America   
    At the risk of beating a very dead horse, I'll add 2c.  As someone who has lived over 60 years as a minority here in Canada, I've seen the definition of "racist" change significantly from "someone who believes their race is superior" to "someone who makes an observation about someone else's race".   As the scope has expanded however, the malevolent/evil connotations have remained the same.  "Asians all look the same to me" (something I used to hear often) is now racist hate speech, worthy of censure, cancellation and termination of one's livelihood.
    I'm not going to debate whether that can be considered progress or not - but what I will say is that as an Asian, life was actually far easier when I was allowed to believe people were ill-advised or ignorant, rather than evil.  But maybe that's just the boomer in me talking...  😉
    Anyhow, carry on...
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    Approve My Account Pls reacted to Ed_S in Theo Bair   
    As posted by Theo's father on FB, who is humbled by the interest and support of his son Theo:
    An Open Letter to Stuart Kettlewell! I am writing as a father to all the football/sports dads out there. I know that you will all relate in some way to this story as it is a tale as old as professional sports itself. My son Theo Bair left home at 15. He joined the Vancouver Whitecaps on the other side of our country. He was a gifted player with a high ceiling potential. I was one of his coaches up to this point and we had spent every day on the soccer pitch. I knew how good he could be and that he was still growing into his exceptionally tall body. He left too soon. My job wasn’t done. The day he left I cried inconsolably until I shook. It was overwhelmingly sad. The sadness persisted. Life continued but it was profoundly and heartbreakingly different. I felt like we had somehow compromised our values by letting Theo leave so far away. I tried to father from a far but he was strong and often didn’t need my help. That didn’t make anything easier. I couldn’t help him when he failed but I could celebrate from afar when he found success. That became my focus - to keep him positive during FaceTime calls and to help him find happiness in his privilege and successes. Eventually he earned a professional contract and I felt like he was on a clear and set path. I quickly realized that being a father never ends. I still found incredible happiness when he found success. When social media was abusive or he met unexpected obstacles, I was deeply affected as if the stresses were my own. I worried about his isolation, mental health and forced independence. He needed someone in his corner - to believe in him and to risk something. Despite this, Theo continued to grow and he was always improving and moving forward. Then, just post Covid, Theo left for Scotland to join St Johnstone. He was recruited and I was so excited. I was feeling so proud of him for his willingness to take on a new adventure. He seemed so brave, mature and so competent. And then it happened again. His search for a team to invest and believe in him was not over. He was not the first striker, he was a late sub for so many games. He was lonely and it rained. It rained and it was cold. He became depressed, his confidence was shaken and his father who felt like he had failed to adequately parent for years, was once again devastated. Being a professional athlete can, at times, and from an outside perspective, seem to be boring. Training, video games, Netflix, food and sleep. Early, sometimes cold mornings with nothing to do later but recover. Being in a different country compounds those feelings. Not finding success, being in a different time zone, having your worth diminished all makes it worse. Theo has experienced feeling these emotions and there was nothing I could do about it. Then along came a great man. A champion for our family and a truly decent human being. Stuart Kettlewell risked his name and his reputation - on my son. At last Theo had a backer. A person who he could confide in and a leader of a support network so very far from home. I felt a kindness towards Kettlewell that is hard to communicate. To this day I have not been able to express myself but here goes. I cannot thank Motherwell FC enough for providing a platform for Theo to find success. I cannot believe how much a father can love a team because of sheer decency and kindness. Thank you to the fans who made me feel overwhelmingly proud as I sat in a stadium with a crowd chanting “Theo, Theo, Theo…!!” Thank you for backing him. Thank you for supporting this team. Thank you for trusting my son! Thanks to all of Theo’s teammates for being the most decent and collaborative group of professional athletes. Thank you for your leadership and support. Thank you for being part of a great experience for my family and hopefully for yours. Thank you for being real friends. Special mention has to go to Rosco. You know how important you are to Theo and he has expressed it many times to us. Thank you for being such a positive and strong influence on my son. We can’t ever thank you enough. I will continue to wear Motherwell’s jersey and I will continue to praise Stuart Kettlewell long into the future. I know who he is because my son has expressed his feelings about him and he has experienced many other coaches. I will follow the team and I will visit Motherwell. I am a Steelman. Stuart Kettlewell is the one. A real leader with integrity and insight. He can talk - sometimes more than the Motherwell fans want to hear, but if I had any advice, it would be to listen. He is a good man and a permanent friend of the Bair family. He is my friend who I have never spoken to and, I’ll be honest, whose accent I don’t always understand! What I do understand is that Kettlewell told the truth, backed up his words and made our collective lives better because he believed in my son and gave him a chance. Stuart Kettlewell is the kind of person and coach who I would “hang my hat” on. Thank you. Bradley Bair Mon the Well!! All reactions: 136You and 135 others  
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    Approve My Account Pls reacted to Atlantic in Class of 2006   
    Lino Aklil has signed a pro contract with Lecce, their Primavera squad plays in the top division 
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    Approve My Account Pls reacted to InglewoodJack in Lowell Wright   
    Alright then 
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    Approve My Account Pls got a reaction from blueseeka in FIFA rankings - why they are important and how to beat the system   
    On ELO we just passed the US

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    Approve My Account Pls got a reaction from vancanman in FIFA rankings - why they are important and how to beat the system   
    On ELO we just passed the US

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    Approve My Account Pls got a reaction from johnyb in Luc de Fougerolles   
    Thought he grew into the match really well after the yellow. Pretty tall kid too! Once he fills into that frame he's going to be solid
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    Approve My Account Pls got a reaction from PegCityCam in FIFA rankings - why they are important and how to beat the system   
    On ELO we just passed the US

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    Approve My Account Pls got a reaction from Mihairokov in FIFA rankings - why they are important and how to beat the system   
    On ELO we just passed the US

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    Approve My Account Pls got a reaction from Jedi Ram in FIFA rankings - why they are important and how to beat the system   
    On ELO we just passed the US

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    Approve My Account Pls got a reaction from Trois Reds in FIFA rankings - why they are important and how to beat the system   
    On ELO we just passed the US

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    Approve My Account Pls reacted to toontownman in Theo Bair   
    £1.3m/$2m (CAD) ish. 
    Great club to move to, although a possible relegation battle lies ahead.
  19. Haha
    Approve My Account Pls reacted to narduch in Copa America Canada Player Transfer Predictions?   
    Knowing Javier he probably means Everton CD from the Chilean league
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    Approve My Account Pls reacted to Addona in Copa America: Canada vs Uruguay - Saturday, July 13th - 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific - Charlotte, North Carolina   
    Say what you will about Oso and his giveaways, which yes, were definitely there, he also plays so many more great combinations in the offensive third … more than I’ve seen from essentially any other midfielder we have…
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    Approve My Account Pls reacted to Unnamed Trialist in Sam Adekugbe   
    Probably the player we missed the most these weeks for Canada. The guy who could hold down LB and release Davies without fear, or sub him.
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    Approve My Account Pls got a reaction from InglewoodJack in FIFA rankings - why they are important and how to beat the system   
    On ELO we just passed the US

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    Approve My Account Pls got a reaction from TOcanadafan in FIFA rankings - why they are important and how to beat the system   
    On ELO we just passed the US

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    Approve My Account Pls got a reaction from Corazon in Luc de Fougerolles   
    Thought he grew into the match really well after the yellow. Pretty tall kid too! Once he fills into that frame he's going to be solid
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