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Nate3322 last won the day on November 20 2020

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  1. I quite like Kennedy I think he'd be a good guy to bring to Copa and future camps even if he's a depth piece (assuming he's not injured). He's tall, quite fast, versatile and playing at a good level all things we want in a CB. He's not perfect his passing is hit or miss, he's so injury prone and is not the best at leading and organizing a defense. Still I think he offers a lot more and is more useful when compared to our other mid-level CBs like Hiebert, or Macnaughton.
  2. He seems like a good candidate. Did a great job with the German youth teams and is still well regarded by the German program. He was relatively good with Turkey just not meeting their very high expectations. I'd honestly be happy with him seems like he'd be a decent choice.
  3. The Wolfsberger forums mentioned that it was cramps that forced Kennedy off rather than an actual injury. They probably didn't want to play him the full match anyways as he's just coming back from injury
  4. Well I've booked flights already so I'm definitely interested!
  5. Yeah I'd like to see McGraw start alongside Miller. Frankly we need a tall CB (outside of Vitoria) to compensate for the fact Miller is quite poor in the air. G
  6. He spent most of his time in the lower leagues of Switzerland. I don't mind having a look at him but I doubt he's better than any of our other CBs
  7. He'd be a decent depth piece at best. Playing for the worst teams in Switzerland, and he's not been a stand out there.
  8. I don't think sali can play for us yet cause he'd have to wait till he's eligible for his one time switch in November.
  9. Gherasimencov of the Whitecaps II is a big miss imo he looked quite good last year in MLSNP. I'm kinda worried we'll lose him to Moldova
  10. No he is not see my post on the dual nat thread.
  11. It's fake. The news article the guy was citing was edited to make it say he was Canadian when it's not true. The bottom screenshot is of the original news article and the top one is the fake image saying he's Canadian. This whole thing has been debunked I think
  12. He had a very good game today against Celtic. The motherwell fans have been really impressed. Looks like been playing as a more defensive midfielder which is a position we kinda need depth in. He's been in really good form I wonder if he could get back in the NT picture.
  13. The match has been cancelled due to waterlogged pitch
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