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  1. Haha
    Binky got a reaction from ted in OneSoccer   
    I'll never give Onesoccer a effing red cent! Worst thing to ever happen to soccer in Canada! Death to Onesoccer!
  2. Confused
    Binky got a reaction from nfitz in OneSoccer   
    I'll never give Onesoccer a effing red cent! Worst thing to ever happen to soccer in Canada! Death to Onesoccer!
  3. Confused
    Binky got a reaction from Kent in OneSoccer   
    I'll never give Onesoccer a effing red cent! Worst thing to ever happen to soccer in Canada! Death to Onesoccer!
  4. Haha
    Binky got a reaction from gator in The Road to Qatar.   
    What's this @Binky sh_t? There is no  @Binky. Just Binky! I not on the twitter, and I don't do Facebook, and I also don't own a smart phone, or post on one, or watch streamed soccer games on one. I'm just an old fashioned big-screen commercial broadcast kinda guy. As to when it comes to copying and pasting no-discernible-value stuff, I find that there is a whole bunch of worse no-discernible-value stuff that gets posted on this board than the statistical material that I post. So my answer to you is, respectfully, NO!
    Might I respectfully suggest you invest in a MacBook Air, or a MacBook Pro, and that way you will not experience the frustrations one has to put up with when depending so heavily on a smartphone!
  5. Haha
    Binky reacted to Kent in The Road to Qatar.   
    @Binky, respectfully, can you please try to refrain from copy and pasting the entire contents of web pages into your comments? Especially in a case above where there is no discernible value in it.
  6. Thanks
    Binky got a reaction from Kent in 2019 Canadian Premier League Attendance   
    Just in case:
    242.177  -  Current 2019 CPL total attendance
    051,018  -  2019 CPL 7 home openers
    191,159  -  Current 2019 CPL total attendance after deducting the 7 home openers
    004,156  -  Current 2019 CPL average attendance after deducting 7 matches from the 53 total matches played thus far.
    Again, by the end of the season will the League Average be over/under 4,000?
  7. Like
    Binky got a reaction from xabuep2 in The Road to Qatar.   
    I wish you were coaching Canada, instead of Herdman!.
  8. Like
    Binky reacted to Olympique_de_Marseille in The Road to Qatar.   
    Some of this just doesn't make sense.
    For example, the UAE will be playing WCQs in Asia for the Sept/Oct/Nov windows.
    The possibility of Curaçao makes sense though.
    In fact, we should be playing Panama!
    They are free for the 1st game of the October window and the 2nd game of the November window.
    A friendly vs Guatemala in the USA in November wouldn't hurt.
  9. Thanks
    Binky reacted to xabuep2 in The Road to Qatar.   
    Panama determined  to raise its FIFA  ranking plans 7 friendly matches: two of them already confirmed vs Curacao and the UAE and other five to be confirmed to play here at Rommel Fernandez stadium vs Nicaragua, Suriname, Antigua-Barbuda, Dominican Rep. and St. Kitts and Nevis.
    The Canaleros have a new coach from Argentina Americo " El Tolo" Gallego. 
  10. Like
    Binky reacted to SkuseisLoose in The Road to Qatar.   
    I was thinking the early rounds of WCQ would be the time to give a canpl stadium a game. Because when we have to play the cayman island at home it’s not gonna draw more than 5k spread out around the stadium in the 3 big cities while we could probably get closer to a packed house in one of the canpl grounds. My choices for grounds to get one would be wanderers ground, spruce meadows, or westhills stadium.
  11. Confused
    Binky reacted to Kent in The Road to Qatar.   
    To the people that say Montagliani must not have known about the rule/policy that FIFA rankings need to be used, a much more plausible explanation was that he thought there was going to be a change to that rule, but then in the end they didn't have the votes that they thought they did to enact the change. Rule couldn't be changed, so then at the last minute they had to revert to FIFA rankings. Purely speculation on my part, but it seems a lot more plausible to me than Montagliani not knowing the rule, and none of the FA's in the region knowing the rule/mentioning the rule to him through the whole process.
  12. Like
    Binky reacted to Unnamed Trialist in Herdman new head coach   
    Right on, brother.
    If Herdman had gotten us past Haiti and we'd fallen with dignity against Mexico, nobody would have posted his comments about tiers. He could have said that Moldavia was in there with France and  no one would have cared.
    The real problem is that he is not a good football coach, and on top of that is a goof.
  13. Sad
    Binky got a reaction from JuicyHam in The Road to Qatar.   
    I neither love, nor despise Herdman. It's not his fault for being inexperienced (the men's game that, is for those who are always ready to play the role of defense attorneys). I'm just totally exhausted of year after year after year of playing against minnows. It's really not the kind of soccer that I want to watch, nor does most of the soccer world, for that matter.
    My main beef with Herdman is that he talks big, but thus far has delivered nothing that impresses me. Like how many games against decent to good opponents is he going to be allowed to coach the CMNT without getting a victory? Obviously more than 2! But how many, I ask again? 3? 4? 5? 6? At the rate we play meaningful matches, that last number more than likely will not be reached until we host the World Cup in 2026.
    In competitions, sooner (hopefully) rather then later, your going to have to play against a decent or good opponent. So again, how many games is the CSA going to leave John Herdman in charge of the CMNT without a victory before the mistake of hiring him is going to be admitted to, and rectified?
    If John Herdman fails to win either of the two upcoming Nations League matches against the United States, I really think that I will finally be done supporting the Canadian Men's National Team after 50 years of doing so. And that will, without a question, be the saddest day of my soccer life. Zero for four and I'm done.
    2019-06-19  -  #12 Mexico  1-3 loss
    2019-06-29  -  #83 Haiti  2-3 loss
    2019-10-15  -  #22 United States  _ - _
    2019-11-15  -  #22 United States  _ - _
  14. Haha
    Binky got a reaction from xabuep2 in The Road to Qatar.   
    I agree wholeheartedly! If Canada does not qualify for the HEX, I will definitely lose my enthusiasm for the Canadian Road to Qatar. I have more than had my fill of World Cup qualifiers against CONCACAF minnows. I might get interest again, when and if Canada gets as far as the 7th place Best of the Rest matches against the 4th place HEX finisher. Until we get that far, I have absolutely no more interest in the CMNT program than the casual Canadian soccer observer.
    Posts like the following just make me howl:
    "We will start off with 4 or 6 consecutive wins against minnows." When was the last time we started off 4 or 6 consecutive wins against minnows? Just for the record, let's look a the last two World Cup campaigns:
    2-0 & 4-0 vs. Dominica
    3-0 & 1-1 vs. Belize
    0-0 & 3-0 vs. Puerto Rico
    0-0 & 4-0 vs. St. Kitts & Nevis
    4-1 & 7-0 vs. Saint Lucia 
    "Then we should be strong favourites in a home and away match up."
    Did not turn out to be the case in either 2018 or 2014, as in each case we got knocked out in the next round.
    "After that it gets interesting."
    I guess if you call receiving a 1-8 beating in San Pedro Sula interesting, then you got this one pegged.
    "We will be consistent winners, full of confidence."
    Has never happened before. What makes you feel so confident this time around? Losing a 2 goal lead to Haiti, maybe?
    "Let the games begin!"
    Oh yesss! Bring on them minnows! I'm soooo excited, that I just can't hide it! I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!
    Silly little boy.
  15. Like
    Binky got a reaction from to70 in The Road to Qatar.   
    I don't know. Maybe I'm too cynical of John Herdman, but ...
    In the G&M article, dear John expresses that he was shocked and disappointed with Mt. Vic's new CONCACAF World Cup qualifying format, implying that there clearly was no collusion between him the CSA and Mt. Vic.
    What a load of B.S. 
    Dapper, little John continues with the following quote:
    “We were in control of our destiny, moving into 2019, 2020, for the [CONCACAF] Nations League Group A to qualify for the Hex based on that.”
    Then the rules changed.
    Well, with the greatest respect, I ask you John, "What the F has changed? Don't we still have to beat the United States to make it to the HEX?"
    Herdman called the qualifying changes “a tough pill to swallow” because the plan had been to accumulate CONCACAF points.
    "Excuse me?" Again, was Canada in a position before Mt. Vic's new format that we could afford to lose to the United States in the Nations League and still make the HEX with CONCACAF points? Or FIFA/Coca-Cola points for that matter? Common on John. Do you really take us for being so stupid that we would believe such B.S.?
    In closing, our man John addresses Canada's need to play friendlies as follows:
    But it still may not be enough. And Herdman says Canada can’t just schedule friendlies willy-nilly, arguing that playing a game three days in advance of a key showdown with the U.S. would not help his team.
    “It’s a risk-reward situation and we have to navigate it very carefully,” Herdman said. “It isn’t just pulling games out of the sky. We have to be very deliberate.”
    Willy-nilly? Jesus H C.... John. The CSA announced that you would be taking over as head coach of the Canadian Men's National Team back on January 30th, 2018. So in more than a year and a half what have you done when it comes to scheduling international friendlies for Canada with respect to CONCACAF points, or FIFA/Coca-Cola points, or whatever kind of points you like? I'll tell you John. ONE! Yeah, that's right, ONE! ONE effing friendly, against New Zealand at the Pinatar Arena in front of 75 fans, way back on March 24th, 2018. Now if that's not Willy-nilly then please tell us what is?
  16. Confused
    Binky reacted to king1010 in Herdman new head coach   
    Sorry. Thought the above article was the same as this one i read today. Im not crazy i swear  
    Asked what level he considered MLS, Herdman replied: "Tier 3."
    He considers Tier 1 as the top five leagues in the world — England, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Tier 2 is made up of the likes of Mexico, Belgium and Turkey.
    For him, Tier 3 includes MLS, Japan's J-League and the Argentina and Brazil domestic leagues.
  17. Like
    Binky reacted to CanadaFan123 in Herdman new head coach   
    Herdmans attempt to justify his tiers comment has made him look even worse.  Brazil and Argentina are tier 3 leagues and  Mexico is tier 2?  Does that make MLS tier 4?
    Seriously concerned about our managers knowledge of world club football.
  18. Confused
    Binky reacted to An Observer in Herdman new head coach   
    We can nitpick what he says but generally I would agree with him.  Argentina and Brazil while producing great players have little money to pay players and so the vast majority leave which is why its a great place for MLS to cherry pick players from as they can get them alot cheaper than European players.  You can argue with these categories but he's pretty close in my view.  Certainly, the case can be made that weaker sides in Belgium and Turkey maybe weaker than the average MLS side but the stronger sides are much stronger.
  19. Like
    Binky reacted to hamiltonfan in Herdman new head coach   
    Lmao....have to just laugh at our bird manager at this point
  20. Like
    Binky reacted to Bertuzzi44 in Herdman new head coach   
    Dare to dream
  21. Like
    Binky reacted to hamiltonfan in Herdman new head coach   
    It’s tough to see this. without question we have our most inexperienced, naive..yet arrogant, manager of all time grooming the best talent pool of all time. 
    there is a obvious pattern of nearly every decision or interviews going sideways with an inexperienced decision or comment.
    I have chosen to be a positive person in my life. But this is insanity   
  22. Like
    Binky reacted to gator in Herdman new head coach   
    I hope so but doubt it!
  23. Haha
    Binky reacted to The Ref in Herdman new head coach   
    Wonder if U.S. Soccer Federation will offer the job to Herdman now with Ellis gone!
  24. Like
    Binky reacted to nolbertos in Herdman new head coach   
    I cringed when I heard Herdman lump the J-league with Brasil and Argentina, seriously, the man is too deluded or know fuck all about the men’s league.  I would put the Brasilian league in Tier 2 because the league exports more players straight to Europe than Mexico, MLS, Argentina and Japan.  The Argentinian league should be Tier 2 but because of the economic crisis that affected the country in the last 20 plus years, more and more, has struggled to keep the better talent on home soil.  It took MLS almost 20 years to start raiding Liga MX and outbid then for better talent, why, because there are better deep pocket owners that own NFL franchises that can compete.  Regarding Japan as a Tier 3, I’d put them actually as a Tier 4.  Just seeing the last Copa america how Japan struggled with there U-23 team on some matches means they still got along ways to go, but getting better each year.  MLS to me is tied with Liga MX in quality but behind Brasileirao and Argentina Primera.  In term of financial might, MLS comes in 3rd behind Brasil and Mejico for now.
  25. Like
    Binky reacted to xabuep2 in The Road to Qatar.   
    If at the end only one country plays for the play off, it doesn't matter when facing Haiti or Panama. . Sorry but this "apartheid" format takes away the enthusiasm. I wonder if spectators will go to the stadiums.
    I share what the President of the Haitian Football Federation thinks about this format :
    “Ce nouveau format des éliminatoires de la CONCACAF est un acte terrible, un déni de toute forme de transparence et de justice. La Coupe du Monde devrait être réservée à tous les membres de la FIFA, avec égale chance de participation"  
    "This new format of the CONCACAF qualifiers is a terrible act, a denial of any form of transparency and justice. The World Cup should be reserved for all FIFA members, with equal opportunity to participate.
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