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  1. https://www.transfermarkt.us/gloire-amanda/profil/spieler/439740 Is he trailing anywhere
  2. He hasn't really done much Aleman In 2020 .. hsi coach was saying he's was gonna be one of the best player in the league .. he wasn't that impactful. Don't think he made an dent in Ottawa either
  3. Why isn't Gaby bitar going to Saudi team .. he's speaks arabic
  4. This guy should have a pro contract
  5. Like to see an excel graph of all the foreign signings and minutes. Trinidad internationals have done well
  6. The usl was pretty effective for Alan Koch has an quick pipeline. Interesting article
  7. Shome aird warschewski Maybe fc eddy would have been competitive if they had decent ownership
  8. Send em on loan to valour. Can live wit his parents lol
  9. You guys are expert detectives lol Not sure why Vancouver didnt send him on loan or something. Bring in some new talent
  10. Playing in ireland.. was an baller on fced Playing
  11. is Ali Musse injured ? why wasn't he called. Friends with his sister so can ask her
  12. Series B .. hopefully that not too big of an jump
  13. Hope he signs with valour ...they bring back Andy baquarao and the other Cuban with simco
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