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Snowcrash last won the day on October 3 2020

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  1. Some people just can't seem to enjoy the moment. It's like watching your kid score a couple of goals in house league and all you can talk about on the trip home is the the open net they missed.
  2. I think a lot of young players who dominate their age group or a lower level get a cold shower when they move to a more competitive level and don't realize how much effort they need to put in during the game and between games. In an earlier interview this year, Bambito mentioned how the veteran players spent a couple of hours in the weight room before practice and it was an eye opener for him.
  3. Tani to Nigerian Football Federation, "So you’re telling me there’s a chance!"
  4. I thought he looked very good. Still has elite level 1v1, at least for MLS, getting by defenders down the right side in the attacking zone.
  5. Bombito was the the most distant defender from the Minny forward when the pass was made. It only look like he was responsible because his speed allowed him to chase down the attacker as he was breaking away. The central defender on the play completely misread the pass, thinking it was going to his right, allowing the forward to run behind him.
  6. Henry was between a train wreck and a dumpster fire during his time in Montreal.
  7. I watched the whole game and thought he played quite well. On that specific play, watching it live, I thought his awareness wasn't great as he lost track of the attacker on his shoulder when the guy cut inside for the pass. Bombito initially made a step to try to cut off the pass and realized that his guy was behind him so he used his speed to catch up on the outside and made the block. Better positional awareness wouldn't have called for a highlight defensive play but I don't think any other Canadian CB would've had the recovery speed to make that play. Bombito not only has exceptional straight line speed but his reaction speed is also top end.
  8. I think this post was made in jest but generally, the internet is a magnet for glass half-empty types.
  9. Nice passes but pretty shocking marking from a mid-table team. First assist was a squared pass to a wide open player at the top of the box. Second pass, Johnston's defender, rather than closing him down, actually takes a few steps back, giving him an uncontested cross into the box.
  10. With his physical tools, if Bombito can get to Ryan's level of centre back soccer IQ, he's a starting CB for a perennial Champions League quarter final team.
  11. Most people here probably aren't hard core enough to do it but watch a Rapids game, if only for 15 minutes and just focus on Bombito when the other team is on the attack or threatening in the box and you'll see how good his defensive awareness is. His distribution playing out the back is also pretty good.
  12. Metcalfe is playing in the same league but not the same level as Nelson. Metcalfe doesn't make the game day roster of Rosenberg, let alone get a minute of playing time if they switched teams.
  13. Mallorca have a couple of attacking players who have the unfortunate habit, when they receive the ball, of running with it until they fall down or get stripped.
  14. Someone needs to bottle whatever Larin had before the game for Copa.
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