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  1. I think it was more poor by the referee then Pulisic. Obviously, Pulisic was jabbing the ref by telling him to go celebrate the win with Uruguay but at the end of the day, he still was willing to shake the refs hand even though clearly he was not a fan of him. The referee and players need to erase their differences and shake hands and clearly the ref was still sulking. One of the best parts of the NHL playoffs is the handshake at the end of the series. These teams go to war against each other for up to 7 games and still will show respect win or lose and shake hands after. The referee in this situation embarrassed himself imo.
  2. Not at all. Taking out Canada and USA out of this the quality of teams in our and their group would look like this. 1. Argentina (A) 2. Uruguay (C) 3. Chile/Peru (A) 4. Chile/Peru (A) 5. Panama (C) 6. Bolivia (C) The fact the US couldn't get out of their group at HOME is embarrasing.
  3. USA choking and not making it out of their weak group at home! Great end to Canada Day! 😂
  4. I can't believe we live in a time that we are superior to Mexico, losing by only 1 goal back in the day would be considered a decent result for us. All these CONCACAF tournaments such as u20s and Gold Cups and them always being the top dog with the US. Love that it seems like the tides have turned and not only for the short term.
  5. My thoughts exactly. Bombito is going to be a stud for a long time for us but he still looks raw out there. Few careless mistakes but his potential is evident with his athleticism. Cornelius deserves a move to a superior league, solid and composed in the back again tonight. Would feel good about these guys starting game 1 in 2026 World Cup for Canada.
  6. The way he is playing right now reminds me of Taj back during the Gold Cup 2021 and WCQ. The speed and taking on defenders, but also having the tenacity to win little battles and play fearless. Europe in the near future is inevitable at this rate.
  7. This man is an absolute legend. The man is trying to save lives while saving soccer balls in the same game.. what can't this man do?
  8. Agreed. Kone had a lot less space then he did versus France and it was noticeable from the jump that the Argentinas plan was to press hard all game, which led to many fouls on Canada but there aggressive approach worked because players like Kone and Bombito were turning it over many times. Both young players and will learn from this for sure.
  9. Thoughts: -Crepeau is our #1 and as much as I loved Borjan, feel a lot more comfortable with him in the back - Shaf needs to be the first sub off the bench always. Loved his pace and his tenacity as soon as he came in the game. I don't mind the idea of him starting over Millar/Taj next game. He's earned it. - Bombito has a very bright future but he looked shaky all night. Lot of mistakes and seemed like he was losing his man a few times that led to grade A chances. - As much as I loved us going for the result I just hope that second goal doesn't come into play for the goal difference. I feel like 4 points in this group won't do it to make it out. (Let's hope for a Peru and Chile draw) -Overall, it was a good effort and tbh this game feels very similar to Belgium in the sense we had grade A chances but we need to finish them. Going through the gauntlet of Netherlands, France and Argentina will bode well the next few matches. Let's get some results!
  10. He was arguably our best player in the World Cup only a few years ago and now seems like the lack of playing time has effected his trademark of taking defenders on. Maybe letting Shaf start the next game in his place will light a fire in his arse.
  11. Unbelievable performance and made a lot of saves. Feel very composed with him back there. Keep it up Max!
  12. One of my favourite 0-0 matches I've seen lol. 3 guys who stood out for me were Kone, Crepeau and Tajon. I am grateful for all that Larin has done for the national team, but seems like his form for club is wearing off right now. Wish they played Ugbo this match to see how he links with David.
  13. Possible career altering performance. He just dominated Camavinga who was just starting for the champions league champions.. he continues to perform like this at the copa this man will be making the big move sooner then expected.
  14. I would argue these next two games in Europe vs France and Netherlands are more important for JD club career then his COPA performances. I feel like the Euro clubs tracking David right now will be focusing more on the Euros then the Copa so hopefully he steps up in these friendlies and makes a mark!
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