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  1. I used to think Weah cost them the game but now I think a team playing at home with the lead against a team ranked 30 places below them should at least get a tie, even being down a man.
  2. Larin scored off a corner against Honduras in NL qualifier, March 2023.
  3. I live in the US and because I am too cheap to get pay channels I watch for free on the Mexican American channels and they do the same.
  4. John Limniatis? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Limniatis
  5. I will be traveling in France, flying out of Toulouse at 7:00 AM on June 10. If I can get transportation to Toulouse after the game (and I understand that may be difficult) I will attend.
  6. My parents grew up in Montreal and they used to say "do some messages" meaning errands. I looked it up and it really is a thing - https://www.waywordradio.org/messages-errands/.
  7. Another Silicon Valleyer. Vague plans at this point, 1 or 2 games, most likely a low end hotel.
  8. A lurker, my first post. 1994 Spain friendly, Montreal 1997 USA WCQ, Stanford CWNT: 1999 Japan WWC San Jose. I recently turned up the ticket stubs. If they are of interest to anyone I will happily put them in the mail.
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