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  1. I blame Larin and David’s lack of production on our wingers. They need better service. So many balls being played in to the box that are over hit and they never see David’s late runs. Also our set piece deliveries have been awful from Eustaquio and Davies. Set pieces are so important in tournaments!
  2. So you’re saying you can’t see anyone from Canada scoring against France or do you think Shaffenburg could do it?
  3. I seem to remember him having a good game against Celtic with Johnston defending him. Was it 2 assists? I would call him in. How many players would we be calling in that are 30+ years old? Him and Osorio?
  4. Love that second goal. Letting it come across his body and finishing with his left. So composed.
  5. If Davies can cut in on his weaker foot and get good shots off like he did for the goal, it’s going to make him so dangerous. Most defenders already favour his left side so this opens up a lot of space to cut in.
  6. I agree. He reminds me of Crepeau when he was with Montreal. He does a great job of commanding his box and catching crosses. He made a solid save on a header in the game but I wonder if he could have done a little better on Calvary’s goal at the end.
  7. I like the confidence he showed. He beat his man quite a few times and got some crosses in to the box. Unfortunately only one of them landed in a dangerous spot but no one was making a run in to that space. It’s nice to see his teammates trying to find him as well.
  8. I just want to see JD play with some players that can see his runs and get the ball to him. So often during his Lille career he’s been wide open for a tap-in or he’s getting in behind the back line and they don’t find him because they take a selfish shot or they have their heads down.
  9. That’s more about Ahmed being really good and less about Raposo being just a role player. 2 goals + 2 assists in 6 games this season and he’s still getting lots of minutes… he’s a reliable player and it seems like Sartini likes him.
  10. A guy who just turned 25 with just over 4 pro seasons under his belt is at his ceiling? I don’t think Raposo will ever be a world class player but he’s still getting better every time I watch him.
  11. David scores his goals by working hard and being at the right place at the right time while staying composed in front of net. Some people call them “tap-in merchants” but it’s the most important skill as a striker. My question is who are the creators on Lille??? I didn’t watch the game but how many minutes did Angel Gomez play? IMO he’s been the best creator for David all season. This is a 11v11 sport after all.
  12. For the Whitecaps he’s contributed more than Laryea (last year) and Adekugbe… a lot of that is due to injuries but still. He’s very reliable and he’s a pretty smart player with decent crossing. He’s just limited physically. Not saying he deserves a call up but maybe knocking the door. He only had 2 assists in 27 appearances in MLS last year but has 2 goals in 5 games this year. The biggest problem is we are so deep when it comes to wide players.
  13. Gauld might be my favourite non-Canadian player in MLS besides Messi. I watch a lot of Whitecaps so I could be a little bias but he could be the hardest working DP in the league. Last night he was in his own 6 yard making big defensive plays.
  14. IMO we should play a 4-2-3-1 that can shift to a 3-5-2. The 3rd mid with Eustaquio/Kone could be Oso, Choiniere or Ahmed if we are going more attacking but if we are being more defensive it would be nice to have a 6 in there but Piette is our best option for that. I like Choinière because of his set piece delivery and his work rate… David Millar Choiniere Buchanan Eustaquio Kone Davies Miller Bombito Johnston Crepeau or…. Millar David Choiniere Davies Eustaquio Kone Buchanan Millar Bombito Johnston Crepeau if you like Davies on left wing move him up take Millar off and put Adekugbe at LB. Piette or Ahmed sub in to the midfield depending on if you’re protecting a lead or if you need a goal.
  15. I know I got roasted for this before on here but I think he’s very comparable player to Kimmich. They have similar statures and qualities with work rates and passing etc.
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