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  1. Update: The Supporter Group is now created. Give us a follow on twitter: @Cap_DiamantGS
  2. Absolutely, I would hand it over to someone in the right time. But I am from Quebec city and I haven't ruled out moving back there in the near future. So we'll city what happens.
  3. I will make sure to use that logo! I will keep you guys posted.
  4. I'm curious, does Québec already have a supporter group set up? Because I would be interested in helping one get started. I feel like the wonderful logo that GuillermoDelQuarto designed would be instrumental in building a strong grassroots movement in the city and show to potential or interested parties that there is support for a team in Québec. Supporter Group Potential Names: -GS Par la Bouche de mes Canons (trs. from the mouths of my cannons SG) Frontenac Quote. One of my favs. -GS Là où le Fleuve se Rétrécit (trs. Where the River shrinks SG) direct translation of the city's name from the original algonquin. -GS de Stadaconé (trs. Stadacona SG) was the Iroquois name of the pre-colonization settlement in what is now Québec -GS de Cap-Diamants (trs. Cape Diamond SG) the famous cape that surrounds the upper city and the location Wolfe took to surprise the french in the Plains of Abraham's Battle -GS des Ceintures Fléchées (trs. arrowed sash SG) from the famous Bonhomme Carnaval's belt that is the mascot of Québec's Winter Carnival
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