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BenFisk'sBiggestFan last won the day on March 5 2018

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  1. I think it’s true that miller could have stopped both goals. But I don’t think you can really blame him for either. He maybe could have done better, but I don’t think many CBs would have done any better than he did.
  2. 1-1 draw today with Tucson. TFC controlled the play all game but couldn’t find the right finish. Hamilton with the goal today but other than that he honestly seemed like one of the worst players on the pitch. He had a terrible first touch whenever the ball was played to him, and really didn’t get involved in many plays at all other than the goal. The team attacked much better with a more active forward getting involved in the play last week. Dorsey looked quite good this game. Shaffelburg didn’t have the best night, but still had one of TFC’s best chances that was saved.
  3. Osorio has never played well on the wing. He isn’t a winger. There are plenty of problems way bigger than Osorio right now.
  4. It’s very North American to love loud and egotistical players. I think it mostly stems from the American sports like Basketball, Football, Baseball. Those sports usually make 1 specific player the “star” because those sports allow one single player to completely win a game by themselves. So naturally confidence, even to the point of being narcissistic, trumps being a team player. I think Canadians typically value the team as a whole more than Americans, but unfortunately when it comes to soccer, we are still quite American in thinking. Everyone wants to see the “star” do something. As I talk about this I realize that I am sounding like some egotistical fan now, which is kinda ironic. As people get more used to soccer, they will start to get more “sophisticated” in their knowledge and start to notice more in the game. I think we have a long time until that happens though if it ever does.
  5. Just watched the game today. Jayden Nelson is a real talent, what impressed me even more than his pace a dribbling was his delivery on the cross and his shot on target. Both were near perfect, his shot was going top corner if not for a good save, and his cross should have been a goal as it was inch perfect. Wouldn’t be surprised to see him pop up in a Canadian Championship game later in the season for TFC. Jacob Shaffelburg the real driver of the TFC 2 offence this game. I find it isn’t often you see a wide player make such an impact everywhere on the pitch. He really plays with a crazy amount of freedom but it works. He needs a bit of polishing up but he will be on the first team sometime soon. Like Nelson, also unlucky not to have an assist or two in the game. The team as a whole looks a lot more comfortable playing at this level, which is a good sign. It will be a much better level to develop the young kids at. Maybe the top level guys will get loans to higher leagues later in the season if they show they are ready.
  6. Steven Sandor has a good article on the new rule changes. Can't remember if it is on the CPL website or the11.ca
  7. That's actually exactly what I pointed out... They have 2 types of contracts for Usport players. You can go back and read if you want to. The one you mentioned and the full contracts for the players who have fully graduated from their Usport eligibility. What I am saying is Edmonton has multiple Usport players on full contracts. But honestly, if you guys don't understand that then I'm not ever going to make sense to you. I guess you will all see later.
  8. I was talking about the draft pick exception, not the squad limit. I know almost all leaves have a squad limit. But the draft picks are included in the limit.
  9. I have never heard of a league where they have a limit on a roster with the exception of draft picks. For example, next year if Edmonton wants to keep all 3 Usport players they will have 23 players. So they will have to get rid of 3 players to get back down to 20? Doesnt make any sense.
  10. Totally agree. He didn't say anything about diving. He talked about rolling around on the ground. Takles are still going to be called, just the rolling around on the ground like a wimp will be snuffed out.
  11. Edmonton seems to have all 3 of their u sport players signed. But, 2 of them have graduated and would be on regular contracts. That brings them to 20 players total, and they still have trialists and have come out and said they are signing another player in the summer. So yes there is an example of that. I also think that the remaining Usport player is also on a full contract which would bring them up to 21 players. For those of you thinking I miscounted, Noah Cunningham seems to have been signed as we are able to order his jersey. That brings them to 21.
  12. Laryea starting at what seems to be right back for TFC today.
  13. All 7 clubs are in the Dominican for pre season. https://mobile.twitter.com/ArmenBedakian/status/1114600851966791680
  14. I absolutely love Russel. The guy is a gem, and i think he should be started nearly every week for the Caps. That being said, he just isn’t a starter for the national team. He is an awesome all around player, but he isnt quite as specialized which actually hurts him i think. Although Tiebert is a bit more skilled of a player than Piette, Piette is just to good at breaking up plays and playing that destroyer role. So for the position of DM Piette tops Tiebert. And of course there is also Hutch and Eustaqio to consider. In terms of a Box to Box mid, which i think is Tiebert’s best position, he has to compete against Arfield and Kaye. Arfield is one of Canada’s best players hands down, so he obviously beats out Tiebert. I also think Kaye beats out Tiebert in offensive ability and Physical prowess. So again Tiebert loses out. Finally, for an attacking mid, Tiebert just lacks the ability to make penetrating runs and creative short passes. Tiebert is a very good long passer, he spreads the ball quickly and can put in a good long through ball or cross, but he struggles to make clean quick attack minded passes. Osorio also struggles to make those same passes, but he makes great offensive runs and creates a lot of space. So Osorio beats out Tiebert again. Of course, David and Arfield can also play AM, which puts Tiebert even further down the list. I love Tiebert, but he is just a depth player, and for me isnt even a number 2 for any midfield position. It feels strange to say that about a skilled and fully committed player, but its true.
  15. The trails seem like more of a practice run than anything else. Fc Edmonton just jumped in to the NASL and that was terrible. The management didn’t know how to run a pro club. They ended up flipping Management half way through and that changed everything. It seems to me that Belan is trying to get his back room staff in order more than anything. They need to test marketing, practice game day operations, make connections with local corporate investors, help create a supporters culture, etc... I don’t think it is all about testing the market. That is one thing they can do by playing this series, but it is minimal. I think he probably focused on that aspect, because talking about shortcomings in backroom staff experience/connections doesnt usually bring confidence.
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