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badname22 last won the day on May 22 2018

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  1. I’d say probably 6-ish. A team from L1O, a team or two in PQ, one in the Atlantic, one in Saskatchewan, and mayyybe, another try at the Eddies?
  2. I heard that Vinicius kid is pretty decent in Spain this season. No big names though
  3. I watch united heavily during Ole’s reign. The joke was that Oleball consists of no tactics, just good vibes. He set up a good counter attacking team, but his united teams could never do much with possession. Thus, he has a better record against big clubs than relegation fodder. My biggest concern though is that he had Carrick and Mckenna, who are both doing wonders in the championship, as assistants. It will be interesting to see how he does without them.
  4. I kinda like David as a Cam, seems like it would suit his style. What scares me is that Staq-Kone might get caught in transition like against Jamaica. Bigggg game for Ugbo and Waterman
  5. Granada also brought in Pelistri from Man United who was a constant call-up for Uruguay. They also have Zaragoza who's going to Bayern in the summer. Will be interesting to see how many minutes Theo would get
  6. There was someone on this board who posted a lil graphic and got this 100%. Credit to whoever that was
  7. There's no way Gallardo even entertained us. He's too wanted and can easily go back to SA if Europe doesn't pan out. Alfaro would be amazing though, probably my second favourite "realistic" choice behind Gareca
  8. Another poor performance. I'm sorry guys but as much as I want to believe, I'm already a foot off the hype train. TFC looked so much better when he went off
  9. I mean, Michael Findlay does have experience in CONCACAF with Grenada so….. /s
  10. so who gets to post the "Are we rating ourselves?"
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