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Nathanael Martin

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    CanPL, Toronto FC, Grand River Union Supporters, Canadian Soccer

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  1. In other news, new SeaToSea Episode. http://www.northernstartingeleven.com/9259-2/
  2. Not seeing much overlap with Aaron Nielson's article from 2017-although some of Nielson's players have likely graduated. http://www.rednationonline.ca/Articles2016/Top10CanPLprospectsfromUSports.aspx
  3. New SeaToSea episode released. second in the coaching series. This one has an interview with Jeff Paulus and Adam Huber. Cheers guys! http://www.northernstartingeleven.com/seatosea-podcast-season-3-episode-2-fc-edmonton-coaching/
  4. Barry has said he already has investors lined up, the biggest issue is stadium still. In regard to Paul's presence, yeah; nothing concrete. But, Paul was quite profuse in telling me at the L1O all-star game that Barry is a great friend of his. It's entirely possible that they got together for beer and discussion. Also, in regard to the L1O discussion, pretty sure I've driven Barry nuts by beating on that drum: I would love to see us move there until we get into canPL!! Roadtrips would be so much easier, we could actually follow through when we sing "and where you go we'll follow"!!
  5. Barry has been pretty vocal about keeping the name. I would love to drop the FC and add a C to the KW (for Cambridge), so KWC United. This is coming from a Guelphite :-)
  6. I'm excited about this! Not just the idea of a team in Quebec, but an SG for canPL. I feel like I've met soccer fans from across the country though canPL, but not Quebec. Looking forward to drinking beer with Québécoise brethren!
  7. Grand River Union's Home Opener and official Launch Party for our canPL drive. Includes a Q&A from Barry (nothing particularly juicy-really what we already know: we need a stadium!) http://grandriverunion.ca/2017/06/04/we-marched-we-sang-we-celebrated-grus-cpl-campaign-has-officially-begun/ Thanks @admin for coming and doing a speech on support across the country.
  8. So I've learned from reading the above argument: casual fans = bad, ruining the sport for the rest of us. Also, making money = bad, ruining the sport Wait...don't you have to be casual before you become die-hard? Wait...don't you need money to pay players and give our Canadian boys the chance they deserve? Hmm. There is nothing wrong with catering to casuals, and North Americans. Is this not a league in North America? Should we not embrace our own local sports culture? (I imagine myself rising up on a platform holding a Canadian flag at this point). This is not a European league, this is a Canadian league: Canadians love playoffs, they love that any team can win the season in any given year in our leagues, and we must continue to teach them to love soccer. My name is Nathan, and I AM CANADIAN!!
  9. As much as that would be fun, I would not see Tosaint as a "non-regular sub". Last season he was a pretty consistent power sub after he came, and the same has held true this season as well as a bunch of starts. I personally REALLY want to see Jordan Hamilton join CPL. He keeps getting the short end of the stick from Vanney, yet his goal success for the games played has been awesome. I want to see him light up the league.
  10. I would personally be really psyched to see Larin at Everton. The team is already built to benefit his playing style, especially since Lukaku is often not fully taken advantage of and simply used as a poacher. I think he could really thrive at that club, and Everton has literally no other strikers to compete with Larin for playing time. He's also used to being that lone striker. Beyond that, Everton is my EPL team, so to see a Canadian head them up-dreams really can come true!
  11. Here's the sum-up of our very first official GRU meeting! https://grandriverunion.com/2017/01/11/our-first-meeting-was-fantastic/
  12. I've thought of that, Google does need to make a community presence! But, McLean (owner of KW United) is pretty awesome. He should be involved in the team for sure. Maybe with a partner with money.
  13. We're building a campaign, and a good campaign needs branding. Unltimately, the ownership will determine colours, name, logo, etc.
  14. I'm not sure if we would want to seperate our discussion for the supporter's group from the Voyageurs at this early stage, since they have done so much and continue to be the most significant supporter of supporters. But eventually, we'll definitely want our own!
  15. That would be pretty epic, and Alumni Stadium is actually pretty high capacity.
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