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    fmfranck reacted to CDNFootballer in CPL new teams speculation   
    So your using a phantom attendance number of 1200 that never happened and pretending its a real number instead of the official attendance number of 2384. Your trying to use that figure of 1200 is an out and out lie and using it like its real is a lowpoint for you, you've lost all credibility.
    As for eyeballing how many you think are in the stadium, attendance figures are tickets distributed (sold/comped) not turnstile for pro sports as most knowledgeable fans know.
  2. Haha
    fmfranck reacted to Ansem in CPL new teams speculation   
    You really need to stop projecting your performance anxieties onto others.
  3. Like
    fmfranck reacted to Ansem in 2019 Canadian Premier League Attendance   
    Cavalry made so much money tonight with thos $100 tickets...wow.
    Lots of casuals, curious and MLS fans went to the games and/or tried Onesoccer.
    Tonight was the perfect scenario as they saw CPL as a competitive professional leagues and they were impressed by the entertainment and level of play.
    Tonight was exactly what the league needed
  4. Like
    fmfranck reacted to Kent in CPL bilingualism   
    I am not even close to fluent in French, but I have to admit I was a bit disappointed that even the mini soccer balls given out at the inaugural game didn't even have the league name in French on them. Like, that would have been the simplest thing ever to do. The league name is on the ball exactly twice, why isn't one in English and one in French?
  5. Like
    fmfranck reacted to matty in CPL bilingualism   
    mediapro is handling the onesoccer app and they are a multi-billion dollar organization that is actively planning a french broadcast for next year when they go into france. the letter seems more "wtf seriously?" than anything because they're already in quebec. i think the combo of not having it yet but also knowing they're doing it because of a somewhere else getting it in the future would piss anyone off
    also i do disagree with the end, if you have an issue with the league you have ever right to voice it and the french language thing valid and it is kind of stupid that it's the case as a fifth of the nation speaks it as their mother tongue and it's in the dark
  6. Like
    fmfranck got a reaction from Nello in CPL bilingualism   
    There are 10,4 million of French speakers in Canada. Chinese isn't a language by the way. There's 565,270 Cantonese speakers and 592,040 mandarin speakers. There are almost as many Spanish, Punjabi or Arabic speakers. Regardless of these numbers, those languages are not part of a historical nation within Canada that uses that language in all aspects of life (business schooling, public affairs, etc). English is one, French is another, and aboriginal languages are others that we too often forget about. I'm not shocked that you tried to undermine French however. Its been on an upward trend for the past few years. 

    Putting politics (or basic respect) aside. If the CPL wants to do everything it can to be successful, it should reach out to the extra 10,4 million fans its currently ignoring. I understand that having a team in that market will help, but it could/should be doing more that what it currently is. 

    For instance, IF it's only Tony Marinaro (or English media) that received a CanPL jersey in Québec, that is incredibly shortsighted.
  7. Like
    fmfranck reacted to Duane Rollins in French Canada wants in (the CanP)   
    On today's SoccerToday Kevin and Duane talked at length about the positive impact of CanPL so far.
    They also talked about one major failing -- the lack of French content on the official webpage and app. This needs to be addressed.
    From Sports Podcasting Network: 
    Listen to Kevin and Duane discuss this on Two Solitudes here . This clip, normally behind the paywall, is free.  

    View full record
  8. Like
    fmfranck reacted to Unnamed Trialist in CPL new teams speculation   
    We are going to shoot ourselves in the foot again because of greed. 
    The Mediapro deal is not for the 7 clubs to grab on tight to like a miser to gold. It is premised on a promise: expansion. Not expanding means not fulfilling the CPL part of the bargain. 
    If we can't get to 12 or 14 because the Mediapro deal got to the head of seven nascent clubs, then Mediapro will just pull out because we did not keep our word: we will have to go fuck off  and make asses of ourselves, like we have always done in Canada.
  9. Like
    fmfranck got a reaction from Blackjack15 in Players you expect to see in the CPL   
    And its confirmed : 
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    fmfranck got a reaction from Greatest Cockney Rip Off in Players you expect to see in the CPL   
    And its confirmed : 
  11. Like
    fmfranck got a reaction from Blackjack15 in Players you expect to see in the CPL   
    It seems that Legault to PCF is to be announced shortly. 
  12. Like
    fmfranck got a reaction from toontownman in Players you expect to see in the CPL   
    It seems that Legault to PCF is to be announced shortly. 
  13. Like
    fmfranck got a reaction from Aird25 in Players you expect to see in the CPL   
    It seems that Legault to PCF is to be announced shortly. 
  14. Haha
    fmfranck reacted to Kent in CPL General   
    I just bought a case of Sleeman's today. If I had known about the Moosehead sponsorship a few hours earlier I probably would have given them my business.
    Next time then. I guess I better get through this case ASAP.
  15. Like
    fmfranck reacted to Rocket Robin in CPL General   
    Oh boy!  My TV Guide listing finally updated to Saturday's game.  It's happening!  

  16. Like
    fmfranck reacted to Ansem in CPL General   
  17. Like
    fmfranck got a reaction from ted in CPL General   
    You do understand that there is a fair deal of marketing involved, right? Sponsorship, isnt just some philantropical endeavour. You want to expand your brand. In that sense it makes perfect sense to want to geographically stretch your brand's reach by associating it to other "popular" brands. 
  18. Like
    fmfranck got a reaction from johnyb in CPL Stadium Thread   
    Pretty cool that its made out of wood. I guess the usage of flares will be banned. 
  19. Haha
    fmfranck got a reaction from gator in CPL Stadium Thread   
    Pretty cool that its made out of wood. I guess the usage of flares will be banned. 
  20. Like
    fmfranck reacted to ChrisinOrleans in Ottawa CPL Club   
    I regularly attend Fury games, and even I didn't bother to show. Yesterday was beautiful, and I took the family to the park and an art gallery instead. 
    Honestly, it was the first weekend in 6 months that Ottawa hasn't been a grey overcast frozen wasteland. We weren't spending it in a stadium sitting in one spot.  
  21. Haha
    fmfranck reacted to dyslexic nam in Ottawa CPL Club   
    As a complete aside, that screenshot totally makes it look like the game was played on  FIFA 2019 or something.  Just something about the way the background looks "rendered".
  22. Like
    fmfranck reacted to Ansem in CPL Stadium Thread   
  23. Like
    fmfranck reacted to jonovision in Montreal Impact 2019 Season   
    I don't get many chances to watch a full Impact match as they're rarely on English TV, but today at least Piette was  a beast.
  24. Like
    fmfranck reacted to Kadenge in Zachary Brault-Guillard   
    I have only seen Godinho play a part game vs NZ where he played well..like a real RB with some sandpaper.  ZBG has played several games with the CMNT and he has been very impressive. He just makes good decisions both on defence and times his runs perfectly when we have possession. He is stocky and  hard to move off the ball. Does not mind getting stuck in and most of all he has explosive speed..important when we face Concacaf teams.My main concern was that he had not faced stiff opposition...how would he perform against better teams?...well its only 1 game but I think that was answered yesterday. The next 3 months will probably resolve who wins out but ZBG is the real deal.  May the best man win. Regardless it's a win win situation for us.
  25. Like
    fmfranck got a reaction from johnyb in Zachary Brault-Guillard   
    Agreed, he was MOTM for me. Didnt put a foot wrong all game.
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