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Admiral Murray

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  1. Uruguay is hilarious. 1 Yellow Card. Nothing to see here move along.
  2. Have to admit I wasn't too high on our new kits when they were announced but the Whites last night looked incredible. Very classy.
  3. Lol no. He was very poor at Pacific. I don't remember a match where he had any kind significant positive influence on the match. Most of the time he got on the pitch the murmurs in our section would start a few minutes later re: his lack of effort.
  4. Found this which says 2024 for expansion but that was written last year when Stew was still around. https://islandsocialtrends.ca/bc-hydro-pole-relocation-pushes-starlight-stadium-to-2024-for-expanded-sports-season/ And then there is this item in 2023 Langford budget:
  5. I feel like Stew was quoted at one point that the stands were already purchased or committed to (as part of the $8 million expansion which included $4 million for pole removal) and that the corner stands were already in storage at Langford?
  6. Yes it's been moved. Not sure what she was on about but I drive by there every day. Maybe she was referring to a new, higher platform for the camera not being ready? Sounded like she was specifically talking about the pole though.
  7. I remember when he scored the youngest ever MLS hat trick when he was 18 against the Sounders no less. Soul crushing pace! As others have said he's obviously not the same player now but great signing nonetheless. Let's goooo!!!
  8. Fantastic Cup final. Topped off by Sartini going tarps off and talking shit in Italian and Bradley being right on brand by being his usual insufferable self which will just amp up the rivalry. Penalties only added to the tension. Loved every minute of it (even the TFC goal). Good stuff.
  9. No. The men do not want the women to get a percentage of Qatar. They want the women to get an equal percentage of their own (WWC) money and none of the men's. Hence the misleading "equitable" statement the men put out. Historically the men's money is a LOT more. The CSA 's offer pays both teams the same.
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