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Footyeh last won the day on November 5 2023

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  1. Sean has an EU passport from Italy would've counted as a domestic. The plan was to stick it out in the B team and essentially trial for the 1st team until season's end and win a contract for the new season but he wasn't happy with the B team setup.
  2. He was only in Spain doing work with the medical team on his own. He's been in LA working with LAFC medical team and trainers off and on over the last 4-5 months.
  3. What I like about this most, is that LAFC wanted him and stayed patient with his recovery over the last 4-5 months. It would've been easy for them to look elsewhere or take someone who was healthy at the time. Hopefully it turns out to be a good move, good learning experience under Lloris and there will be games to play as early as this summer.
  4. Should've had a first half hattrick. Unlucky to hit the post, would've been a beautiful goal.
  5. He'll get his chance, just has to be patient. Those boys were in preseason with 1st team off the back of strong seasons last year. KH is outperforming them in Next Pro, not just in stats.
  6. Seems to begin in a proper 10 but looks like he's being asked to drop deeper as an 8 and get involved in the build up
  7. The source for everything good in SKC's play, just couldn't pick the final pass on the day. It's clear Feilhaber has made him the focal point, for some reason on the apple tv stream, the microphone is so close to the team benches and you can hear Feilhaber screaming at the players to find him haha.
  8. He's supposed to be playing for PSV U17's at next weekend's Generation Adidas Cup against MLS academies so it'll be interesting to see how he looks. I imagine there will be streams.
  9. I don't think reading is your strong suit lol. You said "I bet he hasn't spoken to or had a whiff from the Algerian federation"... but literally the interview he just did says he spoke with the manager lol. That's what I'm pointing out.
  10. THIS X1000. I absolutely think Farsi is making a mistake, but you hit the nail on the head. Weren't we all hoping Enes Sali files a switch to play for Canada lol? He was developed abroad, not in Canada. He has Romania who has been calling him in at every level, including senior team, and he'll likely end up with Canada. We'll get some, we'll lose some. None of us are the players, it's easy to cast judgement but none of us have any clue how they feel or what drives their decisions, we're just fans. There's so many personal and professional elements that factor in.
  11. This isn't true. I mean the interview he literally just did he said they called him and according to people close to him, a call-up is very possible. To a 1st choice camp? I doubt it, but let's not say they aren't following him or communicating with him.
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't get called into Algeria and then he ends up back in the Canada fold. Certainly not under Biello, but perhaps if we get a new coach and Farsi is not yet tied, I'm sure they will want to pitch him. But it's a pretty strong statement to put out there without any actual call-up in hand. I don't think it was the smartest move.
  13. Take this for what you will, but from someone close to his team, apparently he had a poor experience with the Canada staff during the Olympic qualifiers a couple years back. I'm guessing the communication hasn't been there with him and Biello and he's probably still got a bad taste (or even bitter) from that past experience. I don't agree with it. I also think it's much more difficult to crack Algeria than it is Canada, but I also think damn... we really need a permanent coach and we need some sort of person in a role above to manage relationships with current and prospective players so that we can enhance our chances with other dual national that are trending towards a top level. A player like Niko Sigur, who is on the phone with him and making sure he feels wanted?
  14. Was a fan of this player in his brief apps last season. He was with the 1st team for a portion of preseason but played as a wingback before being sent home. I think he has a role in the 1st team as CM depth.
  15. Does Shaffelburg get minutes at Granada? Does he even get looks from a team like Granada or equivalent? Would JRR? Would Bair? Hell, would Nelson? Let's get real. Does Corbeanu have to go to MLS, Norway or Scotland to get called up lol???
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