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MrsC last won the day on September 16 2019

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  1. I updated the graphic because The Temple Bar in Oakville is no longer showing the game with sound.
  2. The graphic is updated to include Dublin Calling
  3. The only reason Dublin Calling hasn't been on the list is no one has submitted it. We just need someone local to confirm each game is being shown, and send it in. I can't assume games will be shown because I've been burnt doing that. If someone wants to take that on, send an email to VoyageursLOC@gmail.com and I'll add you to the list to get email reminders about each game. Tomorrow's game graphic has already been posted on Twitter and IG but I will add the Dublin to the Peru & Chile graphics.
  4. There is a group of people that have been working on viewings in Victoria. My understanding is that it has been difficult to find a place in Victoria that will show games on OneSoccer, which is where the majority of games are broadcast. Finding places to show the Copa games is easier because it's on TSN, but I suspect they decided on Darcy's for the Copa games to continue building that relationship. If you think the bar you have in mind would be open to showing all Canada games even when they aren't on TSN, you could connect with @ted to discuss the possibilities of going there in the future.
  5. That's right. They say it is for everyone.
  6. I think we were making similar posts at the exact same time
  7. For those looking to watch in Winnipeg, I removed the Kings Head because Valour is showing the game in the Pinnacle Club. For anyone not going to the Valour game, the Kings Head will show it, but all of the regulars who normally come out are planning to stay and watch after the Valour Game.
  8. I didn't want to take off the Fable because they've been promoting it as a Voyageurs viewing. But I added Dublin to the list. Did you mean Dublin Calling? That's what I put on there but I just noticed your post says Dublin Crossing. If it should be crossing, I can change it up.
  9. I'm just replying into this to bump it back onto the main page, in case anyone is looking for a viewing spot today
  10. They haven't promoted it yet, but Valour says they are showing the game in the Pinnacle Club (in stadium) immediately following the Valour game, with former Fury players in attendance. I suspect that is where most people will watch.
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