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Posts posted by marauder01

  1. 23 hours ago, RickC said:

    I wish I had a Hamilton CPL shirt to wear for tonight's Ligue 1 match, Montpellier va St Etienne. I think the French will have as much awareness of the CPL as Canadians do. We'll have to spread the word and expect a slow take up, but a year from now I expect to be at the first game in Hamilton.

    You based in France? How much is shipping? I'll give you the shirt for free if you pay the shipping :)

  2. 4 hours ago, Pat Carrasco said:

    People on Twitter are now up and arms over this subject. Some are even declaring the end of the Hamilton CPL franchise without getting all the facts. Can we please have some clarity?

    Pat you goon - stop posting this drivel. You're literally the only one remotely saying this is "the end of the Hamilton CPL franchise".

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