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rkomar last won the day on December 25 2021

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  1. This can't be their best with all those missed shots. Also, it would be nice to win a few more balls in the air. We got taken to the woodshed by Venezuela in the latter category, even by their short players. However, we were as good as I've seen in many other areas.
  2. I always thought that Shaffelburg could be Tonya Harding's love child.
  3. Or maybe she is very young and will go to many Olympics after this one, but this could be the last one for whoever she would displace. I have to think that such a thought would go through Priestman's mind.
  4. I'm kind of amazed that Randy Waldrum is still coaching Nigeria. He keeps siding with the players and pointing out where the Federation isn't spending money.
  5. I know this is not welcomed, but I am compelled to get it off my chest. Grass _is_ turf (rather the matrix of grass roots and soil is turf). Turf and Sod are synonyms. It is why they call the non-natural stuff _artificial_ turf. It is why Scott named their fertilizer Turf Builder. Sorry about that. I feel better now.
  6. Perhaps OneSoccer will end up paying MediaPro to shoot the games? Isn't that what MediaPro does for all manner of sports? mediapro-website
  7. I think DC was under-hyped for years, so many are over-hyping now to even up the scales overall. You can't use logic on the human heart.
  8. Thanks again, Rocket Robin. I'm guessing that you are doing this on your own time, so I really appreciate you getting and sharing these interviews with us.
  9. I'm not watching the TFC game. Was there really 10' extra time posted or is the ref just letting the game go on until DC scores?
  10. No more goals, but lots of action and drama in this one. A fun game to watch.
  11. Oh boy. Cavalry with one of the worst giveaways I've ever seen gift York a goal.
  12. Not sure what to think of that. She's leaving a great club, but she wasn't getting a ton of time in games. Hope she ends up somewhere where she plays the majority of games.
  13. Heh! I thought they left her out of the poster, but she's in the top left and got cropped out of the image here.
  14. Thanks for making the audio available. I particularly liked the interviews with the Forge side because the questions were less about the game and more about general topics.
  15. I'm finding the match to be entertaining. Lots of attacking by both sides, no going back and forth around the horn at the back. Both sides are working hard on either side of the ball, so I expect more breakdowns towards the end of the match.
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