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shorty last won the day on January 22 2017

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  1. Sorry missed that. That is confusing. Although the complete regulation quoted by UT does seem clear. Get two in the group, serve it next game. Don’t have two by the knockout round and they are wiped.
  2. I’d be inclined to believe the regulations published by the governing body over a news outlet. Just sayin.
  3. I miss reading his posts, but then again I don’t really miss reading his posts, except when I do miss reading his posts.
  4. A trend I’ve noticed is a lot of stray balls or poor dribbling choices leading to turnovers in the middle of the field which strands a lot of the team on the wrong side of the ball. The responsibility falls about 50-50 on individual choices and team setup / tactics. Yeates sticks out to me as a frequent culprit, but honestly it’s most of them. When they keep it simple and up-tempo with lots of running off the ball, they look good. Then it gets sluggish and predictable and they seem not to notice each other or help each other and get loose with the ball. Definitely Moore needs to finish also. Missed an absolute sitter on Thursday which would have really changed the match. Oh and we need better dead ball service. Despite TMGs goal last game we do not frighten any team at the moment from giving away corners or FKs outside the box.
  5. This could be the group with all teams tied on 4pts wait… edit… Bolivia isn’t likely to win tonight… what am I thinking? If they did though… crazy group Guessing 9-6-3-0 in retrospect (boring although would enjoy the American tears) or maybe 9-3-3-3 and 2nd decided by GD
  6. Yeah, there's the rub, innit? Thanks.
  7. Hey @MrsC, is there a protocol for listing places for viewing parties? I notice that the latest spot in Victoria since the Yates St Taphouse closed is Darcy's in Langford, which is quite a hike for those of us in town, so I've made inquiries for another potential spot, at least for me and my soccer friends. If it's okay and it looks the Copa games are a go, I can share the details, but I don't want to step on anyone's toes. If there's a protocol that I'm not following, I can keep it offline within our scrimmage group. Let me know. Thanks.
  8. How does Ottawa fit one more guy like Rea under the cap? (Unless they got him for cheap given that he was without a team. That's probably the answer, I suppose. Bit of a come down for him, if so.)
  9. Or it’s manifesting it into reality. 🥳
  10. Damn I hate when we turn the ball over unnecessarily in the midfield. Not the first time this season.
  11. Honestly that’s as much on KDL as it is on the bad header by TMG. KDL is rarely touch tight to his man, ever. If he was here, he clears that.
  12. Oh, and don’t drink the tap water… (to be fair out Alberta fans watching from home probably shouldn’t drink the tap water either, lol) Edit: Silly me, I’m sure you will all find other things to drink that are suitable and marginally less dangerous to your health 😃
  13. TSN's article didn't age well. Didn't even last the day... https://www.tsn.ca/soccer/who-won-t-be-part-of-canada-at-copa-america-1.2134016
  14. You’re going to get us killed, or even worse — expelled!
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