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Everything posted by Shway

  1. Damn after all that hoopla.... Malmo...for real?
  2. I could've thought there was tailgating rules implemented? Especially around the BMO grounds? Canada v Jamaica game a lot of people were doing it, it was just subdued due to the freezing cold.
  3. I feel like people watch NFL for the fantasy, and the glitz/glamour. Throwball isn’t culturally ingrained hear like it is south of the border for it to have the interested needed for the would be high ass ticket prices. GTAnians have the money for posh events (seen it Raptors championship playoff run) the team would have to be Patriots level successful within a few years to maintain said interest. But as we see in MLS it’s not about how much money you can spend… We need more world class stadiums. The Skydome has aged like a dog, and BMO looks like it was built for a NFP organization aka on a strict budget.
  4. I find those people insecure. It’s almost like a billionaire having to flaunt off his riches to people who have average incomes. As someone who lives in the GTA, I expect better on a lot of fronts for the city, we should have at least one world class stadium, so outside of that - sometimes the criticism is warranted. So @reggietfc, see it as this… (here comes the satirical analogy) …We are the parents who run the household, any criticism from the children is only so we can make things better for the entire family. When outsiders look at the family, they look too the parents for the good and the bad. The children are just a creature of their nature. 😁
  5. Let's goo. Another CB playing at these levels will be great! I noticed that they brought in 5 CB's this window so he's probably staking his claim.
  6. looks like 5v5 indoor soccer to me. Whats the difference?
  7. The court of public opinion is a jury no? Who sometimes are given the power to pass a judgement/verdict based on victim and defendant accounts and evidence…no? Or do you mean public opinion as in a community forum? If so, that Public opinion got Emmett Till lynched and tortured for something he didn’t do.
  8. Agreed. But I will definitely not call any man a name without hearing the mutual story or a court verdict. And THAT was how this whole debate started with my disdain to how @InglewoodJack was describing him.
  9. Naw man fuck that scum bag. He doesn't deserve a shot in our league, we need to steer clear of any dickheads, and cunts like him.... (this comment above is exactly how this whole conversation started....point was, don't talk about someone without knowing the full story/or hearing the court verdict. Regardless of what has been reported - any public slandering is premature, because in recent news we heard what is reported may not always be true. Done)
  10. ....... So if there was no web of confusion, why would you attempt to clarify? @Obinna was just getting back to the point. Which was clearly lost, which clearly signifies "a web of confusion".
  11. Hockey is the most skilled sport by far.
  12. No it’s your continued way of just voiding everything else and waiting for the “gotcha moment” that’s has nothing to do with the point like @Obinna said….maybe it’s just the journalist in you 😬.
  13. …..Maybe Octavio was right all along about the CSA 🫣🤭
  14. Wait, what lol…I agree, but that’s not the point. Deshaun Watson was brought up. Tbh I don’t know why, as it’s not even comparable. So I made mention of his situation. Point is, money changes everything, if a mere man couldn’t simply pay the asking price for his wrong doings, they wouldn’t want him to be free and would demand jail. Sadly your wealth determines your freedom as long as the FBI/CSIS doesn’t get involved. Thi$ happen$ all the time. There’s the law, and then there’s a price. As for Harry, all I was saying is I won’t condemn or slander the man for allegations brought up against him without 1 knowing the truth(which we may never know), and 2 knowing the court verdict. Amber Heard Johnny Depp. Emmett Till…
  15. @Pottsy3mentioning Deshaun Watson kinda goes with @SoCalTransport point. I’m not defending him, or anyone….but once you are willing to $ettle out of court in these matters, immediately sends a different message. 20 out of the 24 have currently took money for their pain and suffering.
  16. Amber Heard Johnny Depp case should cause reason to reserve judgements until it’s given by the court of law.
  17. 🤣 I remember way back when I had him on facebook I did a "hey man hows it going, do you remember me" He was still at Sarnia Sting at the time.
  18. Nice answer bud. My woke friends tell me to google shit all the time.
  19. Do tell me the whole story, since you know everything. Matter of fact put the court documents in here while your at so you can validate your open condemnation. And don't send me a newspaper article either of one mans opinion. I've seen news outlets alter stories to fit a narrative wayyyyyy to many times for me to take someones thesis paper and formulate an opinion of someone. I'm better than that.
  20. its a culmination of a story, and a goodbye session..... Where's the money! We've been saving money, cutting corners with coaches doubling up on coaching gigs. A lot of us were like "hooray yippee ki yay" at the fact of Biello coaching the team, but only because it was at the expense of Peter Griffin....only to find out he's still involved. The status quo needs to change. I haven't been impressed with a lot of the boys, but can I blame them? Preparation is key. This is literally my mantra for a lot of things. I preach this to my wife, and our families. You can have a horrible camping experience because you weren't prepared. You can have a horrible vacation in Cuba because you weren't prepared. You can have a horrible test result because you weren't prepared. Like this tournament, we'll likely see the ones who qualify for the U20WC & the Olympics are the ones who were well prepared. Very simple. Preparation. Is. Key,
  21. Interesting. I don't wish bad on any man, and I understand people can make emotional impulsive mistakes. So I won't ridicule someone I don't know, and I'll just say he deserves whatever's coming to him. What's interesting is that he turned down the deal....does his agent have something lined up for him? Maybe? But considering his circumstances it's pretty darn risky to turn down surety for the unknown. Maybe the contract had some stipulations in it that were not worth signing.
  22. I'll just say as a past season seat holder for Toronto FC....you guys are exaggerating the canopy and roofs covering from the elements a tad bit. It is sometimes like "holding a dollar store umbrella up high"...you won't get soaked but you'll still get wet. I literally can say I've sat everywhere in the stadium, from field seats, box seats, to high up in the 200's and the sight-lines are second to none. (field seats are by far worst)
  23. They still are! We wore black and yellow stripes. The hockey team was Markham Waxers or something right?
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