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Everything posted by Shway

  1. Henry and Mavinga pairing. Could be solid, but any minute you could be like....
  2. Talented but Kosi is clearly more stronger on the ball, and dribbling forward. I think the negative I take from all of this with JMR is that he's being played out of position. He's not a RB.
  3. You’re right. I’m really underestimate the physical shape of footballers….I looked up Jozy and he’s 174! I really need to drop 10lbs is what I’m projecting.
  4. Seen this too, and said the same thing. Absolutely no way he weighs that much! No way!
  5. IMO based on what I've seen of him....definitely Fraser, but no to Piette. But Herdman is a loyalist, so I doubt we see any surprises not due to any outside circumstances (inury, illness, etc).
  6. Lol...this is how I feel about Liam Fraser.
  7. It's funny because a lot of us were having him shoed-in a CB...but he's clearly a box to box midfielder.
  8. I'm still saying Corbeanu is the prospect I think will be our next big talent. I just like his tenacity, and his game....he has so much upside.
  9. Started out with Skrtel, then Lucas Levia, and then Bobby took it too the next level. After Klopp, Fabiho, Klopp, Hendo all followed. It's a Liverpool thing for real.
  10. I can understand mane...but how these two can be mistaken is beyond me.... Gerry Dobson lives on.
  11. Shway

    Tom Holmes

    I feel like the Sondre story is being mixed with the Thomas story.
  12. Kinda alludes to my otherrr point. Based on history the only way Caps and Montreal will qualify will be through winning the VCups. We only have 1 of our elite teams (MLS), that “have the better Canadians on it” representing us/getting continental exposure. We’ll consistently see more CPL teams than MLS teams, and I’ll assume based on performance it will affect the coefficient. So as the CPL grows, will we warrant more spots? Which could possibly go to the runner up of the Vs? Ultimately I would be happy with 4 can spots considering USA & Mexico have nearly 5 of a possible 10 spots each.
  13. This is kind of expands on my pointl…everyone’s mentioning TFC…it’s been standard for them to qualify, and with their budget they will consistently appear in the CCL…but what about the Caps and Montreal?
  14. While you may have a point, I’ll be closely watching how Pacific do in CL. I think Forge was of a different quality.
  15. Go read my post about “are we in control of our future”…. I’ve made this exact point about the positives and negatives (which there are more of) in this new expanded format. This sounds good in theory, but won’t really be realistic consistent opportunities for them considering their history (how they have performed) in MLS. Coupled with the non stop expansion reaching 30 teams by 2024 with only 3 teams being Canadian. It would be a historic, and monumental season if/when we have the most 6 teams participating in one campaign, however we’ll only see 3 regularly.
  16. Nice TFC have an on field translator.
  17. Shway

    Tom Holmes

    There’s been a lot of smoke from the CSA for it to be done so….so there’s the hope. Also what’s surprising is that we haven’t outrightly heard he’s NOT eligible which adds more to the belief that he is. Would be a massive coup.
  18. I’ve seen Kemar Lawrence performances for a few weeks, and watching this friendly…..I find it weird that he was replaced with old man Criscito.
  19. Had this same feeling with Hasal.
  20. This was always going to be the reality. It will be tough for him, but when he gets the opportunity he'll just have to take advantage of it.
  21. This is actually so sick. You get to travel (outside of your work) to all these beautiful countries to watch your son play ball. What a joy that brings eh.
  22. I’m torn in between the two tbh. Both statements from both sides gave me negative feelings. I don’t know what side to “pick”. I like what the CSB has done, and is doing. I appreciate where the CMNT has finally taken us. But ’most importantly I want transparency, as I have been asking for years about money and how it’s used, and questioned the CSA reports well before this became an issue.
  23. I wouldn’t mind a league one move only if there is great opportunities to play. We’ve seen what the other young boys could do.
  24. So with the women qualifying for AUSNZ 23 the total qualification money is 12 Million. In the spirit of fairness, the CSA is looking to split a percentage…let’s say 60% of that with 48 or so players? Do I have that right?
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