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Everything posted by Shway

  1. Late addition to the WC roster? I think not 😏
  2. Exactly….but also it’s the year 2022, and it’s the game of football, not the American one. Being a physical specimen isn’t everything.
  3. I don't know man...you're right about the flair that Kone has that Priso doesn't. He has a swagger/bounce to him that you see. But I don't agree that he's more in an attacking role than Priso is..(I think that's the swagger). I think they both are box to box midfielders who's style is to break up plays and get the ball forward. Which they both do, they just play in different systems. Keep in mind, Montreal has deployed a 3-5-2 all season, and Kone's primarily played in the DM position alongside Wanyama, with 3 guys in front of him and when Piette re-emerged he's sometimes played with all 3 in the middle. Those two guys are both midfielder destroyers. If you really take in Montreal's personnel it's a very defensive team, which has allowed Kone to be more free/express himself. It's the reason he has double the amount of turnovers than Priso. Whereas with TFC, Priso was played in the holding position with the expectation to play short passes between Osorio, Delgado, Pozuelo or Bradley, while staying safe in the belly of the field. Being the last man before the defence. Compare their stats, they have near equal minutes...you'll be surprised to see that there's not much difference.
  4. I don’t know if it’s a Toronto vs Montreal thing….but for me, comparing Priso vs Kone from their 20+ MLS games. They both are similar players and I like what I’ve seen from Priso over Kone. So if Kone is getting overseas attention/offers and I’m Ralph, I would be betting on myself and not signing any new MLS contract.
  5. He may be erratic, dramatic, sporadic, or asthmatic. He’s only expected to play the dog minutes, and from what I’ve seen of him this season -I want him as an option. No Jebbison, or Akinola. I need the menace who’s also been scoring.
  6. Wait….what Cavallini situation? He’s having a career MLS year. Are you guys really trying to banish him for what he did, despite his performances this season? I prefer Canada to have the mighty ducks story, and he’s one half of the bash bros.
  7. Lmao how far we’ve come to say a kids career is over at 20 eh? Wow we’ve clearly been spoiled much of lately. The way I see it, it’s a minor setback. The way I see it, it’s just as bad as a young kid signing for a Serie D team. His football career isn’t over, probably just needed to hit the reset button. Which is fine. Maybe you guys are just trying to say that him being a CMNT prospect is over.
  8. I want every Canadian possible to play for Canada. That being said, he’s joining at a time where a lot of our attackers aren’t either playing or in form. So does he DESERVE a call up? Probably No…But does he deserve a look? I’ll say 100%.
  9. But that’s my issue…they need to classify a domestic player from a specific criteria like “where was your first contract signed”. Like what the EPL does. Theres way too many of these convoluted roster rules, when it can simplified. The fact that Doneil isn’t considered an International player on American teams is an issue. The fact that Achara or even Endoh is/was considered an International player is stupid. Your status shouldn’t change regardless if you get a green card or not. You shouldn’t be able to sign a homegrown contract and be an international player at the same time. It’s stupid to me. (Another one of my reasons why the Canadian teams are better of out the league, and how they are against the odds for CCL spots…. But that’s my opinion)
  10. Can’t wait for him to retire from soccer……. but even then, somehow someway this thread will still be hot with the same ole convo. His CMNT career is done.
  11. Requirements haven’t slipped. The loophole (aka “The Green Card”) has been compromised. Atlanta was one of the first teams to essentially get players green cards within a year. Once a player has the now easily accessible green card, they do not count as international player on a teams roster anymore. Which is the flaw in the system. It’s also the reason why Canadian teams were given MORE international slots because we don’t easily give out the equivalent (permanent residency) as frequently as the US does for sports athletes. The roster rules are a joke.
  12. It’s more clear cut who he’s competing with now positionally. I think he’ll get a chance, as long as Jimenez isn’t hot.
  13. I can’t watch those videos…my eyes are really good, but I’ll take Pacific sightlines over these MNP highlights with their cameras from space.
  14. Oh I was joking….as @toontownman stated it’s “all about the 🧢”
  15. There’s talk he might sign with Forge 🤭😂
  16. Ottawa needs to find some young guys to play real quick.
  17. I just came here to say, I love to see this. This league doesn’t need parity. It needs owners willing spend, so that more eyes will be on the teams and leagues. For reference whether you believe it or not, parity isn’t want brought MLS to the next level. It was the owners who were willing to move the needle. Now you may say “but, but, the league is young”, the reality is it’s has to grow up fast to compete on the continental stage. The consistent appearances in the CCL is coming….a salary cap of 1.5M to 2M shouldn’t be unrealistic with expansion fees between 9- 12M. Forge is my CPL, and I’m happy they have the ambition to put out a great product that can compete with LigaMX and MLS. Oh yea and with there not being concrete rules outlined, can they really be cheating?
  18. And Renato is leaving too…. Let’s hope Lille aren’t in a relegation battle.
  19. That’s what wealthy people do. He’ll be good on his taxes. 😉
  20. Wright hasnt played much... Catavolo hasn't played much... Hugo hasn't played much.... Poku not much...(one of the better guys)
  21. Big facts. Sean Rhea, JRR, Yao, Lotori, and Pepple to name a few more. We have guys holding on when quiet frankly they shouldn't. Garven was a guy that I think if he had some reps for Canada he would logically stick around, and could gain additional exposure from having those caps. We need to be more proactive vs reactive.....yes these young guys should make a name for themselves, but the scouting and camps can provide additional help to get them onto the next level. Right now we are reactive, where any player coming onto the scene or making moves is a surprise.
  22. Is it me or did a lot these guys come back from war useless to their clubs? (by useless I mean playing a less important role than they did before they left)
  23. we need consistent U23 camps....I've probably said this 20x now. It's the only way we can keep guys active in the program, while also staying familiar with the next talent. Too many times it's just guys bundled together, and expecting something spectacular....but again I've said this already.
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