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Everything posted by Shway

  1. Torvanmo, Vantomont, or Montorvan National Team manager works a lot better 😂
  2. Not really...if all you care about is TFC in the 36 team American League than you've lost sight of the bigger picture. Or you simply just don't care - and that's fine I hope I'm wrong, and we all can celebrate with the MLS Canada Men's National Team as he takes us to new honours...not honors.
  3. Well full stop, what else do you need? How did MLS get their name on it, and they didn't have anything to do with it? Will MLS now better promote the CMNT? Or does this philanthropic sponsorship mean more youth teams littered with their clubs? All the rest is semantics...as Canadians know the word Scotian or Scotia. To say their is a "hint" of conflict of interest is super naive.
  4. I just don't get how some guys are justifying this. It's completely absurd. Okay okay...more money? But wait how much!? 250k from each franchise...so we're paying Marsch substantially more than what Herdman got?...okay I want to see results, and that doesn't mean agaisnt Netherlands, Or Argentina but we gotta bear better fruit than what Herdman yielded . The ends have to justify the shame right?
  5. He thought he was a guy. He's in the same boat as Akinola for me, and it sucks because they have their fate in their hands...just put the food down, lose f#%^****## weight, and the promise will return. It'll be interesting to see if a CPL opportunity returns, and how he'll do as the league has gotten better since he left.
  6. And see I get the whole backline being hung out to dry bit...but for me, there's only so much FB could do. If one ball beats all, than one ball beats all...we can't except Davies to make a 60 yard overlap dash forward, and then do that going back...it's unrealistic for me. Canada will be the reason why he has injuries if that's the case.
  7. I meant more surprising we seen that already, for me Davies could play anywhere with Canada except for CB, or CM.
  8. My last spam of post, I think Jesse's success will come from using a player in a position that we think wouldn't work.
  9. A lot of players are developed in a position as youth, but then get transitioned into a different position as a professional. Its natural. Johnston was never a fullback as a youth player but look at him now. Verrrrry few players who are strikers at youth maintain that position. It's the same reason why wingers convert to fullbacks as they get older. Millars work rate isn't underrated here, and his defensive abilities is probably understated. Pair that with him being able to whip in across is why I think he could be a fullback.
  10. Trust me. I agree. Me and my brother watch games, and he's always on Larins lack of abilities...but then he pops up and scores and I'm like "see lol" that's why. There will be a time to transition, it could be now (I think Bair could work in the projected style) but I also don't think the iceman plays a lone striker even in a Marsch system.
  11. it sounds good to say that (your bolded part) but it doesn't make sense at all when you look at our best players. Tajon hasn't played in a front 3 for a long time. Millar hasn't played in a front 3 in what feels like never (Basel played 352, Charlton played a 352). So why does his formation make sense? If we are putting our most dangerous player further away from the net in a defensive position but then saying there is someone responsible in front of him who can't do what he does going forward. Make it make sense to me. I want to leave Larin out the XI but it's hard for me to justify leaving him out when he always scores for Canada, even when he has wtf moments. (For perspective, and not to derail I would leave Kane out of England because of his style, but I can't justify that) I personally think Davies, and Tajon are our most talented and skillful players...1 plays WB, the other plays FB - full time. Lastly...based on your last part (and this why I love the game), to me the midfield is your engine but having them do tooo much leaves you susceptible when your best/dangerous/game changers are coming from the outside. Thinking Kone is a 10...is beyond me. Thinking Davies with Canada is Davies at Bayern is beyond me as well - and I feel like anyone who doesn't see that doesn't know Davies abilities. I get the hero ball shit that no one likes when Davies does that, but he's 23 which is crazy to still say...I'm not about stifling our greatest talent for anyone older.
  12. A lot of contradictions in things stated about a lot of players. I can dig the lineup, but Millar in-front of Davies is a no for me. I rather see Millar at LB if we want him in the starting XI. Kone at the 10 or advanced CM, I'm not sure about either and I would want to see David there first with Larin in front. I think David skillet might be key in Marschs style of play. Bring out the David of Genk.
  13. @costarg spot on with your last two posts. And good list @Obinna...it's crazy how we can forget about a name. Fraser has been consistently playing on a weak FC Dallas squad, but I've always thought his style would benefit Staq and Kone. However, we're talking from Marschs style of play, and Loturis quickness and mobility might be better favoured for this style. new coach. New philosophies. New Canada. It's all interesting.
  14. lol what.... My friend only worry about our competition, and not about the nations that beneath us. Plus you're spewing out false information. Rampersad and Moore are the only born Trinis. Long are those days.
  15. These guys have the exact perspective and questions that I have. If you know Marschs preferred style of play...it's going to be interesting how it will be implemented. And I think based on it, we should see a Corneilius and Bombito pairing.
  16. Apologist theory. Remember this was mentioned because it was stated that MLS is our top league, and someone rightfully replied basically with "how if Canadians aren't considered domestic." It's still a big deal because when you take the Canadian teams out of that 42 list, it probably drops drastically.
  17. We assumed he had little to do with the friendlies so the head coach job is his first significant piece of business. I do wonder how much Marsch is being paid in retrospect to Herdman, and how much "philanthropic" money is offsetting that salary. This is so dicey to me, considering the CSB deal. To sell naming rights, is a form of marketing, and we all know how the CSB-CSA deal is. Did the CSB okay this? Was there any value in negotiating back some percentages in exchange for marketing.."CPL Mens National Team Coach" New revenue is was manufactured, but the biggest contributor is still the amateurs kids and parents - and the price went up significantly, something Bontis suggested with major push back.
  18. I guess you missed the official release. Philanthropic money is extremely different from charity money.
  19. Squad prediction time, now that we know our coach and his stipulations. GK: Crepeau, St. Clair, Sirios DF: Johnston, Bombito, Waterman, Miller, Cornelius, MF: Kone, Eustaqiuo, Choiniere, Piette, Osorio, Fraser, Ahmed FW: Davies, Larin, David, Buchanan, Oluwaseyi, Russell- Rowe, Shaffelburg, ... and then we'll see headlines with stats like "19 players have played/play in MLS." "Canada is MLS"
  20. Canada soccer is no longer the baby brother to US Soccer...we are officially their son.
  21. I'll take Henry over March any day. Heck even Ole. So this hire was only made with sugar daddy money on the pretence that the coach was an MLS guy? Wtf have I've been reading. I'm no "Canadian trucker" but we've gone to shits if this is what we had to do. I hate being in the shadows of our direct competitor, can you imagine our federation being funded/controlled by them.
  22. Wait...I can't keep up. Is it being stated that his salary is being subsidized by MLS clubs? Or is that a theory. I do want to know what his contract is though.
  23. Yea but none of those guys who were interviewed made sense or were ideal candidates. They were just fed to the media from a mule who was already stating and pumping fluff pieces for news he already knew. (KJ) For example, have you ever heard this before "okay so I'm going to get you the job, but we have to go through the formalities for optics sake"....I.e interviewing people for the fuck of it knowing the job is already spoke for. This is very common in the corporate world and you can't be naive to it. But like @Joe MacCarthysaid, it is what it because I have to support him because I want to see us win.
  24. This is EXACTLY how I feel... except the old school body part.
  25. The fact that they were doing these bullshit interviews, name dropping random managers knowing they already had their guy...
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