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Everything posted by Shway

  1. I’ve been saying this. There’s no reason or excuse for the separation. But in the same breathe, those same guys can just freely sign with a team that scouted properly.
  2. I need Davies higher up, he's expected to do too much tracking considering he has just returned from injury and has been off for 2 weeks? Let him have Neymar, Mbappe responsibilities so he can explode (like Tajon) on the counter.
  3. I like this, but I think we need another guy in that middle. At times we were stretched, with Staq and Hutch. I would rather sacrifice up top (Larin) and have him come on as an option, along with Hoilett. So small tweaks to your lineup.... ------------------David Davies----------------------------Tajon --------- Staq---Hutch-Osorio Sam-------Miller--------Vic ---------AJ Having Larin, Hoilett, Laryea as game changers off the bench is huge.
  4. Please JH, it was shocking that you started Davies where he was knowing that he coming off an injury, and didn’t have match fitness. I would start the exact same we started, except switch Hoilett, for Adekugbe, and he drops back to play where Davies where Davies was so he could be further up.
  5. Very conservative. Which is why I thought that sub was even more surprising, when he was basically playing like Fraser.
  6. Gotta have Davies higher. He shouldn’t be behind Hoilett, he’s not game ready who should be in more shape then him. Would be my only change.
  7. Lol this is joke. I completely digress. I could never be a puppet. @RS
  8. Okay cool, I’ll accept I’m being overly naive. But at the same time I’m calling it the benefit of the doubt. Until we know for a fact that this is the case, I’ll hold my judgement for only Neff. But based on the latest NFP, I’m thinking there’s no way he could open up saying what he said and be on the sugar daddy vacay. If he is, and still can say that - I’m saying I would’ve signed up. Lee is saying/responding to some shady stuff, but that could simply be his take - and shows WE as Canadians still got work to do. But other than that, he’s just an opportunist…no? The old saying "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch" applies here. Very true, but at what cost?
  9. Did he lie about the code of conduct? [quote]Lee Kormish, of Canada, accepted the offer and traveled to Qatar. He told DW that he did not get a Code of Conduct but did receive flights, a hotel, a free ticket to the opening match and money for daily meals. He describes his apparently uniformly positive experience in Qatar in his video blog.[/quote] So you can attend Qatar on your own money, but you can’t on their government? Do I have that right?
  10. So basically these guys have to post x amount of twitter post, reply to x amount of post, post pictures and videos of them having a good time, what else denounce LGBTQ, and say they agree with the alcohol ban? Or are they supposed to simply talk about the positive experiences they have? You guys are crucifying Thomas Nef but on his latest podcast he goes completely against said contract….so I’m confused. @shermanatorim going to need you to confirm this when it’s all over. I know several stories of guys spending years in prison for crimes they didn’t commit only to be lest free…so shouldn’t there be details or confirmation first? Or did I miss it!
  11. weasel would probably best describe how you like to navigate convos. I stand on what I say and said, I’m always open to a discussion. You on the other hand like to tuck your tail and bring up something irrelevant …. a lot…like mentioning “we” when it couldve been Canadians”. I’ve come to terms that a lot of people are fake humanitarians and cater to the latest trending topic but avoid/ignore other issues. You can do it online and look woke…but what have you done in real life. And with that I can only live for myself. Our country is far from perfect and we can only be the change in order to expect change. So until we are perfect….then I’ll look to what other countries do. Let’s start at home first is what whataboutism should be.
  12. Whataboutism ah yes, a new age feel good term. He who is without sin, cast the first stone.
  13. Wait what lol…. oh because I said “we”….classic @RSmove.
  14. Lol this thread is funny. I’m hating if I say something bad. I can’t knock anyone for taking advantage of a great opportunity. Free everything? I wish I knew. We like to turn a blind eye to what goes on in our own backyard, but to only cast light on the trials and tribulations of other countries. As someone who wanted to go, I would’ve definitely signed up, as I’m just a mere fan, and I’m not influenced by things in the media. Does that make me a bad person on this forum….lol So kudos to Lee.
  15. Yes that too....very massive. But again, people can bet on sports they aren't a fan of because of these said stats. I bet on Chinese basketball and won big, and never watched a game in my life. Just because you know those stats, doesn't mean you actually know the game. I say this with the least amount of offence, this is just a personally experience I have with a friend who doesn't watch games but will tell you about the stats of it, and I'm realizing A LOT of people do this and write, and record content based on this.
  16. I was specifically speaking to fans. As a fan, I’m not watching the game saying oh this guys has an xG %….I’m watching the game and saying does he score goals yes or no - I can’t get with the shoulda, woulda, coulda which is exactly that. Do they do something or not - it’s straight cut. Nothing more or nothing less. From a fans POV these stats are purely fantasy game playing, which is heavily North American influenced from sports (basketball, football) that imo aren’t comparable. These stats are for guys who just started watching the game, and can make mention of it as if they know the game because they can’t talk about what a player is expected to do. It sounds cool to talk about. It shows you’re a gReAt analyzer of the game, and everybody seems to be one just solely off reading stats but not actually watching players in you know the minutes they play. Reason why I make reference to “probably never played the game” it’s because it’s the simple stuff in the game like how a guy controls the ball, how he uses his first touch, decision making etc that aren’t quantified. I know that’s how I watch and analyze the game. I know that’s what coaches tell aspiring footballers to look at, and I know guys who’ve played the game at levels look at. The best manager in the world says “it’s not all about stats”, so talk about the “expected” ones is just nonsense. This is obviously my opinion/sentiments, and a growing pet peeve. My bad if the “not playing the game” part triggered you.
  17. I hope not for the 2 team. I’m still undecided if the move for Wright was the right one.
  18. TAM!…naw man. I’ll take him on 500k. We also still have Bradley on a dumb TAM deal. We just got rid of Jozy. Done with these short little stop gaps.
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