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Everything posted by Shway

  1. Eddie Howe said there was no truth to this....reality is, why wouldn't he have just signed there.
  2. okay, so ultimately no real sense was made to the "linear timeline"..... @RS what made sense or what was funny other than the pun?
  3. timeline okay…but what did Jay Berhalter hiring his brother to be the head coach of the USA team have to do with him indirectly taking about Reyna? Was Claudio in the running to be coach?
  4. No our most consistent player was Johnston. And he played in every single game last year. Tajon was one game behind him. Who I also thought was consistent and vital when we were without Davies. He was my number 1 vote.
  5. No this is all because he did a OTR and aired out the guy who everybody knew he was talking about. That’s some sad shit from your leader.
  6. This is the nervous part I have about March. If we don’t get the results we need, I’m not calling for JH to be sacked….but we’ll have to start question if can still motivate the boys.
  7. I would say with VAR it’s not as easy…but we saw what happened in the World Cup.
  8. I probably assumed that because Patrice had told me about this kid “Raposo” on one of his teams. If not for Vaughan he wouldn’t have ended up at Syracuse. But that’s besides the point. He’s still a GTHA boy 😄.
  9. Remember this idea of the “return of the joint tournament” is solely because of the money that was earned. Conembol knows this, and Concacaf knows this as well. As you stated, it’s mutually beneficial to both federations. Both have bargaining chips. You literally just found a nice way to put it lol. But do you think it’s that simple? I’m not sure, but does Concacaf typically have a unified vote? 6 teams getting in the tournament from 38 doesn’t scream guaranteed support from the “have nots” unless you know….money is trickling down.
  10. I think it would be a good test to see how it would work, before testing it on the grandstage. Whatever the CFL and the BC lions are planning to do during the tournament, can also be used as a trial run. Because there’s no way, that they could put a temporary surface down and have the BC lions play on it in between. Oh yea….and as it pertains to where games are played, Toronto and Vancouver are not comparable for many reasons.
  11. Okay so clearly you didn’t read what I wrote, or it went over your comprehension. Because I know what that Copa America is. Yes it’s a Conembol tournament. But if they want the tournament played in the U$A, on Concacaf territory they will need the approval from the Concacaf president! I don’t know if you listened to the interview from Prez Vic, but he stated just that. Now reread what I wrote understanding that, and understanding that I quoted someone who said they “I really hope they don't invite teams out of the Americas”… or maybe it’s time for your midday nap.
  12. I'm still with this! Whether 16 or 24....I want it to be teams only from the Con nations. Conembol can make those decisions when their tournament is played on their territory. I see President Victor putting his foot down, as this will be a precursor to the WC tournament, and will also allow other Concacaf nations to "prepare/test their metal" against better teams. All this to say....the only "invited" teams are Mexico, Canada, and USA. Concacaf will ensure theirs some type of qualifying method for their teams.
  13. Rashford got benched for this.
  14. I don’t know man, considering he’s a Toronto boy…I definitely rate him. I mean no whitecaps fan would’ve thought Robbo would still be their most successful manager. Which was my “Always Shitecaps” comment. Has nothing to do with east or west, especially when majority of their Canadians players are from the east…
  15. I've removed the requirement to sign-in. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScEBmW3Ly8i8tqCnF955KVfiYczIc-qkrAI-r-SL8xibC9l7A/viewform?usp=sf_link
  16. I agree...but we were talking about our opponent in Honduras lol. The fact that the coach says big rival, and the fact that both Honduras and El Salvador are playing games in Canada, and USA respectively. I probably should've added percentages to it....75% chance its El Salvador, 20% chance its Panama, 5% chance its a team from Conembol. Let' see how this plays out.
  17. My moneys on it being El Salvador or Panama. El Salvador is in the same position as them, where they play the USA. USA is playing Grenada, and has several friendlies next month.
  18. Oh oh, I have a good one…. I dislike how anyone can create an account, and instantly start a thread topic. As grandmaster I demand this to be changed!!!
  19. This is absolutely massive (Steven Caldwell voice). It’s a very great point. There’s gotta be a rule or something that warrants a player thread in the CMNT. There’s a bunch of guys with no caps at any level, get drafted and have a “high-level” thread. I think this is something to be changed.
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