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Everything posted by Shway

  1. Guess that sounds like @sandman statement is true. I was confused because we rarely see players go from Swiss league to Prem league if the given player isn’t crushing it or they are teenagers. But anyway I’m hoping he opens his account this second half of the season.
  2. We don’t do this. You have to be playing a certain levels for this to happen, and even then it still depends on the person. I’ve made my rants about “current form over current level your playing at”, and I feel like this is the downfalls of the brotherhood.
  3. I think some people underestimate his commitment to Canada.
  4. Hey man, I’ve never called you a TFC apologists. Wrong guy, I’m a TFC fan so that call-out doesn’t make sense.
  5. Maybe qualification will be group winners qualify. Runners up play Group B winners for the playoff spot. Will be interesting how they format this because the way CNL is setup it’s not so cut and dry. Maybe they’ll use a modified Gold Cup qualification.
  6. Jesus Christ…MLS keeper to Serie C. Who’s his agent!
  7. Oh my bad, I didn’t see the official announcement. I just thought it was a hot take.
  8. But wouldn't be real overlap, just maybe overload? I have no issue with watching a game during the afternoon, and then watching a live game at night.
  9. Yes! Exciting news, missed the World Cup...but won't be missing this! I hope its expanded more than 6 teams, and I hope its only teams from Concacaf.
  10. Permanent residency means he would only be considered a domestic on the Canadian teams right?
  11. No, no...no. Not other journo's, leave them out of it. (unless you can call me out on it then cool) just the only one who's active here. I've actually praised the work of Josh Kloke, Daniel Squizz, and Steve Sandor (the11 used to be part of my daily routine). They've all wrote articles that have questioned the systems of Canada soccer when required. And for someone who's a Voyageur, we've never seen you do that even in the midst of questioning times like the Zambrano firing. To hell, we saw Sid Sixerio have a hot take. Fairly put, it's just not your style. But it's the reason why I've stated that fluff pieces are preferred to maintain status quo in fear of losing press passes or early inside info. lol....okay. I did say "just because a journalist wrote something, doesn't mean it all to be true".....and thats still a fact. It doesn't mean I hold little regard for journalism, I just know somethings are only reported that will have the best media response (clickbait), and somethings are speculative rather than proven. It's like reading the Sun or the daily mirror. So you can't take one essay as the final say.
  12. Forgive me, I'm sorry I stirred the pot....I just find it crazy that some could have this sentiment from not knowing a person personally. But such is life. You're football opinion are completely valid, not that it needed to be. Great point, but here's my @RS moment....."he actually was playing for a mid table SPFL team as they finished 5pts outside a Conference league place."
  13. Great points, all true! I'm well aware of how the court system has failed many, many people. I don't want to take that somewhere else, but you could only imagine where I could go since I did mention Emitt Till earlier in this thread. However a few things that were told to me.... My granny told me from a little baby, he that keepeths his mouth will stay out of problems. My dad preached he without sin, throw the first stone and judge not, unless you want to be judged. Too many times we are quick to pass quick judgement on people for the truths we will simply never know. Just because a journalist reported something doesn't mean it all to be true. What were the court documents, what was the evidence submitted....if you have received all of this and have an opinion then so be it......but most if not all here haven't. So how can I call a man sick, or he deserves jail, or shouldn't be anywhere near the national team based on things he was accused of?
  14. Thanks theres you gotcha moment again!, and once again it doesn't make sense....because I didn't say anything to disagree with that. More so alluding to the point that he was indirectly saying he was guilty. There was other stuff he said in regard to the case. Lastly my main point was "people shouldn't be quick to openly condemn others without the proper due process". @frmrjust learn from the mistake, that's what life is about.
  15. And this has been my point about the national team. It's about the NOW, and less about the FUTURE. The national team isn't a club team, we don't have time for guys to be called up, with no intention of utilizing because we are waiting for them to develop. Development doesn't happen at the national team. I've said many times, current form should trump potential regardless of the level you are playing at (except if you are in a top 5 league). A guy playing in the Swiss D1 with 1g, 3a in 1,651 minutes shouldn't be a clear and obvious choice over a guy performing in the Dutch D2 league with 7g, 5a in 1,511 minutes. (this is the sentiment of many here) Especially if a guy who plays in the German D2 can be slotted in over a guy who was playing and performing and included in team of the weeks in the Greek D1 and has more caps for Canada. Whether you're in Europe, or North America it should only matter if your 1. their playing 2. their form 3. then the level.
  16. @Pottsy3 ultimately said in summary that even if he gets off, it doesn't mean he's innocent. @InglewoodJack had the most shocking things to say, and this was the worst.... So any opinions you have about him are skewed because you clearly would've sent him to jail...right?
  17. ooh you knew it was coming, since you were someone I was going to quote for your statement (wasn't that bad) 😉 "not sure that's the kind of person you'd want in the national team setup...
  18. Some need to be reminded of this, a few here were heavily criticizing him with just simple journo reports. Let me find them and at them.
  19. Also add in the fact that based on trends we always have a few out of the blue guys that come from college or somewhere else. So it's a good point to make. It's equally important that his decision should come sooner, and JH and his staff go overtime in getting him committed and less going on the fact that he "feels Canadian".
  20. Facts 🤣. How could they take anything (other than the W) is beyond me. That was a shit show.
  21. Interesting…. Surely Forge could match his salary no?
  22. Yes same could be said for other guys in the pool who were at the World Cup.
  23. Sooo I wonder....When these tickets will go on sale. Are they trying to wait till everyones Canada RED/WHITE/BLACK/GOLD memberships have expired? Are they deliberating on where it will be played?
  24. I think it's also dependent on what age that you migrate to your adopted country. My parents are "immigrants" who came to Canada at the young ages of 7 and 8. Yes they hold an affinity to their country of birth, but they are proud Canadians. And it's the same story for my wife. Albeit for Flores, I think those influences come from feelings of "being snubbed" by our youth setups. Let's be real here too, if not for their European or UK ancestory they wouldn't be able to get to those places and would have to grind it out with guys who only have North America as their route.
  25. Once we saw Bob come in, we new Bradley had a hidden extension.
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