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Everything posted by Shway

  1. On what merit? Nobody has gone out on loan and came back to play with the first team. And what Montreal doing with the loans is nothing new. They've been doing it before when they sent TMG, Kinumbe and others to the Fury....those guys didn't come back to the team. Cmon bro, we went through this already.....this isn't true.
  2. For sure, it's not write him off or overhype him....more like a hypothesis. I never heard about that....I would hope not!
  3. Is L1O considered Tier 1? ...Full stop. Stupid comparison.
  4. Who thinks he will be renewed at Tijuana?
  5. Game number 3 and I’m not impressed by anyone except like I said previously Biello. So many loose touches, loose passes and that’s just the story. I haven’t see any personality out there, especially from the wide players who you would expect for them to take guys on.
  6. Played another 90 this past weekend in a 1-1 draw. He contributed to 2 chances, with a great header and cross. Got caught out not tracking his man in the opponents goal tho. He played majority of the minutes at RB, but then shifted to RCB and Godinho slotted in where he was to finish the game.
  7. He’s also playing somewhat of a hybrid role. He’s high and wide in attack, but then he drops into the middle at times defensively.
  8. All part of the plan and philosophy 😏… Lets hope he has a Ballou like year with Ottawa!
  9. Same thing with the Voyageurs. But messages are sent out for all. Remember Davies was one of the few guys who gave his WC money away to charity. I know not everyone is making his kind of money, but they are making way above the average Canadian.
  10. We are coming to a time where we need to blood in some new faces at the expense of some fringe players like Piette, Millar, Fraser, Wotherspoon, and Cavallini…. All of these guys have been given substantial amount of opportunities and some haven’t been the difference when called upon. So why not see some new faces, especially when the current core is about 16 guys. Form has to be rewarded, and with the reward of getting national team call-ups it could propel the very same players to new levels. Kennedy is seen around here as a top 3 defender in our pool playing in the 2. Bundesliga. If his team gets relegated, is he still worthy of that call? We need to give guys look when they are “hot” and less about “where they are currently at” (obviously that matters to extent).
  11. Confused at your what point you’re trying to make. But I did. (P.S. this wasn’t U21 league.)
  12. What a statement. Considering he was projected to be going to some top teams…it’s not surprising due to the window being closed.
  13. They are still scums....Simpson and Friend. They don't know what it means to represent our country...oh wait,
  14. Tbh he should’ve missed it. Brym was at least in form. Can’t say numbers because Piete didn’t see the field.
  15. This is an interesting stance for a collective. Especially when the Players didn't support the fans out in Vancouver. The amount of people who lost their hard earned money on their travel plans. What did the players do for the fans who they let down? I guess the Voyageurs really is ONLY supporters of the NT teams, and less all things Canadian Soccer. I think our stance should only be to ask for TRANSPARENCY, any support for that is warranted....no sides taken until we have that first. Because I'm definitely not for higher priced tickets to supplement dividends.
  16. Thanks for this @narduch With all the shenanigans going on, I totally forgot/missed the first game.
  17. It was never explicitly said that they NEVER wanted to start or support a women’s league. It just wasn’t feasible to stretch resources with the leagues infancy. However the equal rights crowd saw the CPL launch and said well what about us! Meanwhile there wasn’t a single Canadian franchise in what would be considered the women’s MLS….why? And then the same people who will argue against Canada teams only playing in Canada, will make it make sense for the women.
  18. Not only L1O, but all the other provinces that have started similar setups… There’s just way to much blind eye pointing without seeing the entire picture. The CSB has been great for the Canadian player aspiring to become a professional, and the Canadian professional players who want to hone their craft in their country.
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