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Everything posted by Shway

  1. So where’s he going this summer fellas. Chelsea need exactly what he brings. 👀
  2. https://streamin.me/v/d1aecdf0
  3. Kante went from Caen to Leicester. The point I was making was that he was already a baller before he got called up. If not for Leicester winning the title he may have not been called up by France because he was on Leicester. But you’re right he isn’t “tearing” it up in the SPFL…but neither was Millar, or Wotherspoon but they still got/get called.
  4. Sometimes it takes guys to be surrounded by better players to elevate them further. Kante went from 13th place Caen to Chelsea within 3 years. It took him winning the title with Leicester for him to be called up to France, in which they almost won the Euros.
  5. This is actually a really good question. It seems cynical, but it is a very logical question.
  6. Interesting that he's considered the most valuable midfielder at $10M when it seems like every year there's a few guys being sold for 40M+.
  7. Woah, woah, woah, hey now brother…take it easy. Stats are everything around here. Especially the X ones. (I feel that’s exactly how the NFP guys watch it, from the stats and give their commentary as if they watched the game)
  8. Shway

    Luke Singh

    Spot on, when I see him sign last year, I knew it was time for Peruzza to move on. He's clearly been kept around as a translator for the Italians, but with the new guy Petratta there his services won't be needed anymore. I honestly want to see how he would do in the CPL. But I think some guys avoid the league not because of pay, but because their stock might drop.
  9. Yea strongly disagree with that, especially the Hoilett part. I hate seeing Davies at LB as he tends to work and do more than the guy in front of him. And we saw that when Herdman was wrong and strong about the same sentiment you have. Davies at LB creates too much gaps, as he wants to be an attacker and not an out and out fullback.
  10. and I don't disagree. I prefer either or....but if I had to pick I like Laryea. RB is the most solid position we have.
  11. Recently David hasn’t been good for Canada either. Compare their last 8 games for Canada and tell me what you get. David is a better finisher. But I’ll disagree on the chance creating. Davies, then Buchanan for me before David. And it’s just the nature of their positions.
  12. and one of the most consistent guys on the team.
  13. Who is a better attacker. Who has better 1v1 ability. Who is faster. Who is a better chance creator. Finishing is the only thing I will debate. And I'm not suggesting he should play at the 9 position.
  14. I get the notion, but the reality is he's our best attacker full stop. And also at Bayern he's been recently rotating into the middle (LM) with great results.
  15. I forgot to put my sentiment towards this....I think he can be #1, I just rate Laryeas game going forward a lot more than Johnstons. And they both are sound defensively.
  16. He wasn’t for me because I think he’s more of an attacker/winger.
  17. Wilderness years may speak to your mindset (more so your age respectfully). Today is not the same as yesterday, and it’s definitely not the same as 30 years ago. If MLS had this mindset, it would’ve never launched as a result of the NASL. The core demographic the league caters to was still in diapers to have any reference to the bad ole days. The way I see things, only OneSoccer regularly reports on soccer. The other media outlets only talk about it when there’s hot-takes to give.
  18. MLS existing in Canada 12 years before CPL launch has nothing to do with the facts of today…but okay. If you believe that the Canadian teams with the most lucrative Canadian markets playing in the American D1 league doesn’t effect the perception of the adjacent Canadian D1 league - you’re simply lying to yourself. The hindrance is everything to do with the perception. You take those teams out of MLS and you’ll see how much Canadians would have interest. It’s only the few hardcore that tune in to see the verrrrrrrry few that are playing elsewhere in the league only because they are considered domestic players which as stated is another hindrance considering it’s “supPoSeD tO bE oUr D1 lEaGuE tOo.”
  19. Dated take….okay. Name me some professional CBs that are 5’7….correct me - Go! Lisandro Martinez is 5’9, but 1 thing is he’s always played CB professionally, second thing is he’s really really great in the air and has a great vertical, and lastly his recovery speed is great. (I hate man utd) All of those things isn’t Piette, so yes you’re right that statement could be outdated, but when you look at the player and his abilities it’s accurate in my opinion. I would rather give you know Derek, Scott, Dominik, Joel, Lukas any natural CB that opportunity before “trying” Piette there.
  20. I mean I’m with you on the quality of the league. I’ve been told to chill out…….. We should aspire to getting guys on the stage to get them to better clubs. The national team plays a great importance on that. The year Iceland made a run, and a lot of their guys made jumps to bigger squads. All Im saying is, we need to start rotating the young talent in or else we’ll face this current success being an anomaly. Outside of US & Mexico, we are the only Concacaf nation that doesn’t do this and in the current state of things we don’t need all of our players playing at Barcelona, Juventus, or United in order for them to experience a national team camp.
  21. Think this theory is debunked with the reality he didn't step on the field at WC. I think what he's known for "lock down" is dwindling due to his mobility. Piette is only 28, he's been around for ever. The reality I think is that there's a lot of him. As much as I think Kaye is regressing, I still think he's all round better than Piette. If we continue to keep giving these (I say this loosely) mediocre form opportunities, we'll never know if they can be a Kone. I'm just wondering when we became to good for calling up SPFL players?
  22. 5'7 CB with no pace, and lack of aerial strength........
  23. This pay thing is news to me, and I find the numbers wayyyyy to close for a league that is 5 years old. MLS Clubs should be paying more than double since they are directly hindering the overall product and influence of the CPL league, while benefiting from the entire country. There's a lot of eyes on CSB. But the MLS - CSA relationship needs to be evaluated as well.
  24. Gentleman we are experience a civil war. To continue with that illustration above.... Women want equity, more "boxes" and also want to pull boxes from the men Men agree to equality, but want more boxes from the CSA CSA has ran out of boxes, and doesn't know how to leverage getting new ones outside of what is provided from the CSB
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