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Everything posted by Shway

  1. Seeing Marschs system, and understanding that he wants to play an evolving 442...I definitely understand your inclusions and omissions. I agree with them all except for Adekugbe as he isn't fit. Your drops is where I have some slight changes, I rather keep Zator than bring Waterman...he's just not versatile enough for me. LDF should join the U20's, Heibert, Ugbo, and Brym can go... The reality I've experienced over these past two friendlies, is that in this Marsch system without Kone and Staq in the middle 2....we're absolutely fucked.
  2. But Bair isn't slow. And I haven't seen any difference in pace from Tani. For me, I would drop Ugbo if he's up against Bair, but Brym could be thrown into the drop conversations.
  3. Interesting, but not surprising considering he got minutes.
  4. What the actual f#%* This so random. He's either a folk hero in Nashville or everybody in Kentville, Nova Scotia has bought his jersey.
  5. Facts. Tajon has switched it up the last few times.Millar is still doing it. Just go at them
  6. He's pricing Bayern out. He wants to go to Madrid, and be paid less money. The time is now for a move.
  7. This wasn't a game we were expected to win, or try to win...and was more of a coach getting to know his players. However, Marsch is already talking in code because he indicated that he doesn't see Davies as a LB...but sure enough he put him there. Davies doesn't want to play LB anymore unless he's at Real Madrid. I know this for a fact. And I believe he shouldn't be at LB for us either, however for today's personnel- with no Laryea (or Adekugbe) I understand seeing him there in this formation. On that note, the formation we played today doesn't help our best players, and regardless of who the opponent was we saw it. Kone and Staq, can't play in the middle by themselves they need someone else in there with them or we will continue to lose. As a matter of fact, they don't play with 2 in the middle at their club teams. Our engine room is too exposed and expected to do far too much in this pressing game. Larin is showing how out of form he is, and we need a better outlet/hold up/stronger/faster player up there...I was hoping we would've seen Bair at some point. For the past few games Johnston now looks like he plays for Celtic in the SPFL...meaning his competition quality level is low, and the IQ part of the game has slipped him where it shows against better players. Positives for me was that Cornelius and Bombito with additional reps can form a formidable partnership. Millar should be on the field but where. France is going to either be a surprise or a demolition job.
  8. Thank you. I agree with this all. I'm not convinced on this formation, nor the system.
  9. We have 10 other strikers in the camp. and we're making unnecessary changes...Larin shouldn't be exempt.
  10. I agree... but that has nothing to do with what I replied to. "Shaff just burned a Bayern player"
  11. Laryea is needed heavily in this backline. Whether to push Davies up or take off Johnston.
  12. This is a show and tell game, only reason why Millar came off....because he was looking good. now do the same with Larin.
  13. This thread has gone to shits....and I was thinking I was missing something.
  14. Man I really think and prefer that LDF is with this team. Allow him to experience international tournament, and make him be the leader. Maybe Marsch has him on trial and what's to see him up close. But with 6 CBs in camp, unless he's projected to start...I hope he eventually ends up at the tournament. I think we underestimate the importance of a youth player dominating or breaking out at a youth tournament. We've seen careers change after it like Tajon, and Derek.
  15. I believe we had a better chance with Flores, and look how that ended up. He's gone to Italy, if not them then USA.
  16. I definitely think we do. It's literally a toss up, as Chile is still holding onto a generation that is past them... and Peru is Peru, respectfully.
  17. Mannn I don't know if you're saying that because it looks different coming from a left footer... but that was a very well weighted pass. Meaning it wasn't hard to gauge imo.
  18. Your example jumps to a formation that was 442 or 4411. I agree that David could be the Greizman replacement in a 352...but not as the 9. Target man, outlet man, hold up guy...yes. In their absorb and attack, Simeone style, Correa has been underwhelming. I agree. I would add in Milan and and Spurs..🤮
  19. Quick note...Those two boys share a birthday, and are 2 years apart. JMR has been hyped since he was 16, Kone came out of nowhere. The strong difference between the two is that Kone rose to promise in position of dire need. We still today, aren't "begging" for wingers. So in regard to the manager. I think the key is identifying the need (let's say RCB) and throwing a potential star (Bombito) into the fire. That's what JH did.
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