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Everything posted by Shway

  1. It would be nice for him to be called up. But it would also be nice for him to stay with his club and really cement his spot.
  2. All that for nothing lol But great response for those who will need it.
  3. Within 4 years the CPL has only given caps to Borges, Waterman, MacNaughton, Didic, and has only given camps to Pantemis, Zator, Loturi and Carducci. It’s not a lot mate. So stop giving praise to the CSB for the CPL.
  4. At 25, Breza made the wrong move to be mentioned.
  5. You prick, we didn’t need to see this lol
  6. I’m really interested to see how this kid pans out. There’s a lot of talk around him, but every time I’ve seen him play I haven’t been impressed. But at 18, and 6’2 he’s got a lot of time on his side.
  7. ….Exactly who I was comparing him too a few pages back. Glad he got the call, regardless if he plays or not. The baby face destroyer will be part of the future.
  8. Judge was clueless. Guy is a pussy, and should be banned from joining any other rec leagues. If he wanted his money back from not being able to play the rest of the season he should've taken it up with the league. "Kill or Be Killed"
  9. Man has played 2 games at LB and is deemed the better option? Bit early for me, I'm still picking Petrasso at the LB spot.
  10. Vitoria, Miller, Cornelius and who else? "A ton of CB depth" is not something that is said around here.
  11. Only logical way? He's playing well in 1st Division in Poland. Kennedy isn't playing. Waterman just came back from injury. Henry is injured. He's earned it regardless of guys declining.
  12. I mean look at the optics. It kinda doesn’t make sense for him not to get the call. If we’re doing straight swaps. He should be replacing Wotherspoon who hasn’t played any meaningful minutes. The future is now, integrating the young prospects and saying bye to the fringe old heads is the crossroads we are at right now.
  13. I mean…he hasn’t played much recently, and his club is fighting relegation. I don’t expect to see him.
  14. 2 of my picks in Zator and Loturi have been called apparently called in. Shaffe has gotta be next too.
  15. Let’s goo God bless the CSB 🤭
  16. ...Seems like the fortress will be coming down soon
  17. Dumy Fédé has looked good for them. I know CPL is development league but I feel like they could scout more of these clubs. No way they are being paid more.
  18. I agree with you @Obinnabut every time I’m at BMO I think about how uninspiring it is because of the lack of vision. It’s a stadium pieced together with a severe lack of planning, it sums up the city. So yes permanently bigger would be “great”….but not the way they plan for it to be. It’s just stupid
  19. Anybody watching the Haitian match? Some of there guys look very good. They don’t look out of place.
  20. Now that’s what I would call an expected assist.
  21. I rate McKennie higher than Adams.
  22. Expect 10 Canada, 10 Mexico, and 84 USA. We are only pawns.
  23. This is an interesting list. But Canadians are definitely 1 & 2 right now….3? Debate is there.
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