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Everything posted by Shway

  1. Who say's they need Canadian strikers....us fans? I'm sorry but imo he hasn't show that he deserves that chance. The caps have those prospects on their NextPro team in the likes of Amanda, Wright, Johnson, Habibullah. This time next year he's either in CPL, USL, or Serie C.
  2. Nice, and then they could have double header games, so the funds could be split equally.
  3. I guess we'll see next year. Getting a shot as a striker in MLS is not something 22yo get unless they are a phenom. Teams rather use that on TAM, DP, or Senior journeyman players while backlogging the position with their own academy homegrown players. If he lands somewhere else it's because they see potential for him to start like Shaffelburg, Petrasso, JRR, or Baldisimo. Ultimately playing in the CPL may be beneficial for his soccer progression vs playing in the USL Championship. A York United Telfer-like loan might be beneficial especially with the reality that an 18yo player (who is an actual forward) is playing over him.
  4. I'm interested....what's the end goal of this investigation? Or what could be the possible outcome? Because this just seems like a suspension from FIFA for government interference looming.
  5. Shway


    ...so do you think we see a new kit for the NL Finals or Gold Cup? 😒
  6. Big summer coming up for the boys. I would want to see us conquer Concacaf and try to go for both tournaments. Reality is guys might not want to play the extra additional games, or will need to sort out their club futures - Larin and David come to mind. However doing the double could add more to their stock. Regardless, this will be the first time we will potentially have the most players play for the CMNT in a given year due to the multiple competitions. A great problem to have. So we're expecting to see "2 squads", and with talent emerging it seems that the potential strain of picking guys or separating the team won't be much of an issue. I think the squad could benefit from splitting the brotherhood with the realization that some guys (Kaye, Piette, Wotherspoon) are simply not going to feature in the Panama game. The 60 man provisional list is going to be stronger than in previous years, and may have more relevance. Here's what the last one looked like: Here's some names that are not listed, but who I think would be included today (15): Adekugbe, Heibert, Loturi, Petrasso, Farsi, Abzi, Kerr, Russell-Rowe, Tabla, Zator, MacNaughton, McGill, Edwards, Ugbo, Saliba Here's some names that are listed that I don't think would be included today (15): Ricketts, Ferreira, Arfield ( those three for obvious reasons), Twardek, Vilsaint, Teibert, Paton, Morgan, Elva, Chapman, Bayiha, Leutwiler, Pasher, Singh, Sturing. All I know there's some exciting months ahead.
  7. Man is wasting away, he should be looking to the CPL. Unlike his former academy graduates, he hasn’t shown much in games he has appeared in.
  8. Andd with all the scrutiny..... he still has that important stat as an attacker. Within 70 minutes of play for the CMNT he has 1g and 1 assist.
  9. It’s true, I preach this to my Sunday league team. To me, he looks like he doesn’t have any agility. Looked stiff and safe. But then I read your quote again, and recognize he did just that. Great first cap!
  10. Yeaaa about that lol (we just went through a whole ordeal)...It's gone. Thanks though 👊🏿
  11. I think they are paid the same dollar amount, the conversion to USD make it's a little more. Guys like Pasher, and Doner I'll assume are on bigger wages. But you're right, I think next year when the CPL will have a minimum of 2 clubs in the champions league will be a heavy influence for some guys. At least it should be.
  12. Nice the players we get to track that should come on home.
  13. Jamaica looked a lot better than they previously had, which is surprising considering that team hasn't played with each other in a while. They have what seems like a core now, and you have to better to get in the squad regardless if you're a Englishman.
  14. It funny because I was going to start this thread...but I was like nahhh let me wait for the @Olympique_de_Marseille to do it the way nobody else does. (However, if anyone else does he's set the standard of expectation)
  15. I hope Trinidad qualify and Guatemala beats the FG. Just so the unofficial teams have a harder time of making the final tournament.
  16. In marking off all the CMNT games I've been too.....I noticed that we haven't beat Honduras at BMO Field. Tuesday that shit changes!
  17. He had the strikers number all game, that the guy was frustrated and was fouling him many times.
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