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Everything posted by Shway

  1. I had to go back and reread how this conversation came about, and of course there was a derailment from where it started. - Kadegne made mention about “North Africans” choosing their ancestry before their birth country… - To which I pointed out that, it doesn’t happened unless those players are snubbed and overlooked. - Then El Hombre mentioned Twardek and Lensky who picked Czech over Canada… - To which I mentioned that Canadians have always been an exception to this rule, especially when their ancestry (specifically European) allows them greater access to the European football world especially during times when Canada wasn’t worth shit. It happens often with Canadians but rarely elsewhere (Diego Costa being an anomaly) - then you made mention of Jonathan David being American and that you’ve watched him since he was kid. You could be right about him getting called up at 14 by the US, but you never made mention of why he snubbed them. - then you proceeded to strengthen my point by listing even more Canadians who chose ancestry in the hope of a better footballing opportunity. There’s clearly been a misunderstanding, as it seems you may have not followed this rabbit trail, respectfully.
  2. This. Tired of the hoopla.
  3. okay…that’s super cool to watch his trajectory. But what’s your point exactly?
  4. Okay you clearly didn’t comprehend what was being said, and starting reaching for guys that still didn’t make sense. Maybe you didn’t know but JD was raised in Canada. Reach for another player, I’m really interested in who you come up with. I know Diego Costa falls under this, but again he was overlooked by Brazil until they realized they were going to lose him.
  5. Lol wait…wtf that’s backwards. I thought it was the older squad he was passing up to play with.
  6. @dyslexic namhis manager is white french nationalists. If he was at crystal palace with Viera as his manager THEN I would question it. 🤣
  7. But that’s my exact point. The dream of playing professionally at some top European clubs. The reality that being Canadian, and playing in Europe was a lot harder than being Canadian but repping Czech Republic (or another country). Heck with out that ancestry they wouldn’t be able to have a sniff in Europe. Yes playing for Morrocco had more prestige than playing for Canada. Mentioning Marmoush is begging. I get he has Citizenship but it was only because of his parents working here. He was born and raise in Egypt. Mahrez came onto the “world class” scene at Leicester at the age of 26/27! - late. He made his debut for Algeria at age 24 after not playing in any youth squads for France….this means he was overlooked/surplus to France. Hakimi again, if Spain really wanted him he would’ve been in their youth setup from early like Munir. Moroccan federation did the tactic of recruiting early based on potential, before waiting for him to become something and turning into a hope and pray like what happened with Munir (fortunately the rules changed) I know there’s anomalies for this, but the guys who are being mentioned aren’t it.
  8. U21 Euros is wayyy better quality than the U20 World Cup imo. So I could see why he chose the former.
  9. This isn’t true. Usually happens when they are snubbed by France… But France wanted Zidane, Benzema, and Fekir and has deemed Auroar as surplus so now he represents Algeria. No one, and I mean no one picks their ancestry country before their birth country…they only do when they are overlooked. Obviously the anomaly is when the ancestry is beneficial for their career, but in Abzi or Farsi case…that isn’t a sure thing.
  10. Yooo 😳. Deleted post are pending. Definitely was confused.
  11. Definitely being hopeful lol. I've seen other lists in the past, and when a team hasn't used their entire allotment it looks like that.
  12. 2021 Preliminary Roster 23 Dropped from last tournament: Arfield, Bair, Baldisimo, Bahiya, Chapmap, Elva, Ferreira, Flores, Godinho, Jebbison, Gutierrez, Leutwiller, Morgan, Okello, Pantemis, Pasher, Paton, Priso, Singh, Sturing, Teibert, Twardek, Vilsaint 16 Newcomers to this editions: Ahmed, Bombito, Edwards, Heibert, Kerr, Koleosho, Loturi, MacNaughton, McGill, Morris, Petrasso, Rea, Russell-Rowe, Sirois, Ugbo, Zator
  13. Notable omissions are Farsi or Abzi makes me think they are exploring their options with Algeria and Morocco respectfully. We need to know why they weren’t included. ….IF they turned down the call….then fuck em.
  14. At this point we want Canadians at any clubs not Canadian.
  15. I completely understand this, and agree with it. My thinking just comes with “but what if he does have the talent and just hasn’t gotten the opportunity”….it’s just a thought, but there’s probably others that would deserve a call up.
  16. He’s repping the V in his bio. So I’ll assume he feels very Canadian.
  17. If he continues his form and does get the call up…he would be another surprise talent that was unidentified by Canada soccer before making the pro stage… ala Buchanan, Johnston, Kennedy, Kone and Loturi.
  18. I think a lot of the decisions will come down to availability. Cornelius team plays through the Gold Cup, and he's looking like their best defender leading his backline who have yet to be defeated. Kennedy should be there if he re-signs with a relegated JR...but may not be if he's at a new club and needs to gel. I feel like Heibert, and Zator are locks for the GC.
  19. I agree with everything your saying. BUT it's city....they buy the best available talent.
  20. If I’m Alphonso I’m riding out this contract or going wit the team that shows real interest whether that’s Madrid or Citeh. Both teams need a LB btw.
  21. 29 games 7 goals (wth the 5 being game winners)....that's super sub striker numbers.
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