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Everything posted by Shway

  1. What will be interesting is we could have a Corbeanu vs Millar matchup. Two guys who are close friends, and who are likely to be going head to to head for the same spot on the national team.
  2. confirmed. Still one of my favourite young Canadians. I love his tenacity, and this will be a great spot for him to flourish and get back into the CMNT.
  3. Yea it’s tough to say really. He’s turning 23 but he looks like he’s only going to improve/progress. I think Laryea is a Tier 1 player for us, and he came onto the scene at the late age of 25. What’s key is a players club situation. And we have a few guys who are in “limbo” but in the right situation they could turn Tier 1, and in the wrong situation could regress.
  4. Question…if we lose a player to injury (in this case Borjan) does it have to be a straight swap? Or could we bring in you know a forward?
  5. Even outside of the college route, he’s 1 of 5 new debutants that didn’t play in a youth camp. Meaning they were “surprises” as no one knew about them, where as we’ve been following Davies for a long time (for obvious reasons).
  6. So he’s been carrying an injury since NL, but not bad enough to where he could start two additional games? I’m not buying either, and believe your theory @narduch
  7. Wouldn’t be surprised. He had the power to make that dumb decision. Pozuelo was better than Insigne and Berna
  8. supposed to be a caribanna themed kit. Maybe I’ll see Akinola wearing his own jersey again.
  9. Looks like we are done next round. I have zero hope we can beat Jamaica or USA….and I’m not being negative, just a realist.
  10. Didn’t realize how crucial this is. Liam wants to cut in on his right every single time, sometimes a little to early.
  11. Agreed! I like he combining and fluidity I was seeing. Our left side was dead. I think because everyone is right footed and kept cutting inside, Vs being able to mix it up or drive the line.
  12. He earned it. Hope he continues to get some reps
  13. The man loves him a quick highlight video. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuIFiUoN08R/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  14. At 26…that time is now no? If he moves to Austria, does he stop getting called up due to the league being inferior to where the rest of our CBs play?
  15. Spot on with these changes, as much as I still want to see Bombito in the middle again(reminded me of what we expected of Okello to be at least) I also want to see him in the back as his pace and comfortability on the ball could be key. I hope we see more of JRR, Zator, and and finally see Loturi.
  16. I’ll raise my hand. My bad. I hope to see Loturi as well in some kind of form. If his size was an issue, it shouldn’t be against the Guatemalans.
  17. Yes. Weak opponent but that’s when you are expected to perform no? You make mention of that as if Millar hasn’t played against Cayman Islands, or Aruba (I won’t mention the cameos he made against other weak teams) but he’s had the chance to stake his claim. I honestly hate how I get drawn into this, because it gives a wrong perception of how I truly feel. I just get annoyed at the apologists approach that majority take here especially when you look at the overall picture which is “he hasn’t produce anything”…and don’t give me XG or XA either. So if you could scrutinize one player, just do it for the other is all I’ve always been saying. And on the international stage I don’t know what his strengths is to the national team, reason why I’ve suggested he might have a long term future at LB simply because of his work rate and ability to keep the ball. With all that energy, I just want to see him be more aggressive, more gusto, more willing to be direct but it’s like he plays on safe when he has the skillset to not to.
  18. He’s had 9 caps and 1 goal in 298 mins (equivalent to 3 full 90 minute games) I think the coaching staff is hoping for his club play to translate to something with CMNT. But unlike many, I’m willing to give him the same benefit of the doubt.
  19. Beat me to it. Was going to say there were budget cuts, which affected marketing and promotion.
  20. Lastly (and I’ve stated this before) I’m a fan of EVERY Canadian player, I just put everyone through the same microscope/scrutiny regardless of any variables. If I didn’t I would be advocating for Akinola to be in the squad.
  21. This is all I want to see. It’s to predictable at times, where I know he’s going to look to cut back to play a pass instead of driving forward or attacking the fullback with confidence. He has the quality…I’ve seen him do it at Charlton, but haven’t anywhere else. Those nice crosses he made, were great…but they were sent with no name on it. Everyone is praising his “unselfishness” but as an attacker if he truly is that…he has to have some selfishness, some grit in the final third. I get that mentality being with the first team, but this is the B team…where he needs to stake his claim, as he hasn’t been in the squad since the World Cup. The same way you’ve followed Nelson this year, is the same way I’ve watched the boy at St Johnstonne, Charlton and have caught a few Basel games. A lot of you have just followed him by getting the updates in his thread, and haven’t watched him (but go on and say you do) Everyone keeps forgetting this was his 18th cap. Not his 9th. He’s turning 24 not 21. So on the national team level I’m simply just expecting more, that’s all. And I’m sure JH is probably too. And this is the bullshit that gets stated and gets some traction, as if Liam hasn’t beeeeen part of the brotherhood. You gotta take your chances when they are given. Not every gets the opportunity, so when you do get limited minutes, or the start…show out like Tajon did. I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s just a popular player here, and what he actually does gets overstated or undermined.
  22. I expect nothing from this match, but hope we can pull out the W. Yes Guatemala doesn't have much players playing in top leagues, but they always have a brand a footy that they play. And with only maybe Laryea, and Ahmed showing they can break down players, I don't know where our goals will come from. 2-1 final result. For who, I don't know.
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