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Everything posted by Shway

  1. He's plateaued but I'll always admire his come up, and story. Don't like him at TFC, but I appreciate his commitment to Canada whether his time has come to an end or not.
  2. I think in these postions you have to have guts, audacity, guile, the nerve to do something's...it's what separates the best. Now I know there's overplaying or doing too much, but for me I prefer a player trying something vs trying nothing. It's the reason why I like this kid a lot. He came onto the scene at a young age showing flash. It's the reason why I like Brazilian joga Bonita way of playing.
  3. I'm not surprised. I've been saying and seeing this. It's the reason why I called him the translator. His level might be USL championship or CPL...next year will tell.
  4. It just doesn't make sense @Obinna. You're acting as if he joined a superior league, and has changed his tuned as a result. This guy is changing his tune solely due to convenience. If he comes to MLS and starts over performing, then let's have the conversation. But I doubt that, and because he won't - I'm comfortable with giving the experience to guys like Bombito, Ahmed, or even some younger guys. If we need veteran presence, then I'm more inclined to continue to use his loyal Scottish brother in David Wotherspoon. This isn't the facking 28yo Arfield...
  5. Oh fack off. We're building not rehashing.
  6. He could very well be brought in to legitimately contend for the #1 GK spot. Their goalkeeper has been their number one for a long time, and I'm not discriminating his abilities based on his height....but he is 5"11....where as Breza is 6'4. If he does get the chance, I do agree that he should get considered as a 3rd option considering we have a mainstay playing in the same league.
  7. You didn't list Brym though.... I'll assume you'll either drop Corbeanu, or Ugbo? The rest are all untouchable for you?
  8. And this was a point I made in another thread. We weren't balanced as our attack predominantly came from the right side with Ahmed and Laryea wiling to drive down the line.
  9. There's different playing styles to wingers. However typically the modern day winger, if you are on the opposite side of your dominant foot it means you are versatile in your ability to go inside or outside. It's what makes those players dangerous, as you don't know what they are going to do. With Shaffelburg he's played always on the left side, mentioning him to play on his weak side for the heck of it doesn't really make sense when he's always been a LW,LB,or LM. That's his position. We rarely see guys anymore like Robben who always played on the right (and would relentlessly effectively cut in on his left) because it removes the width from the team, and it becomes predictable when the fullback knows the winger is going to receive the ball on his dominant foot or cut back onto their dominant foot.
  10. Anybody know where to find some stats on this tournament.... Like take ons, fouls drawn, completed crosses, duels won, key passes etc? I'm trying to see something...
  11. The move... He said they've been working on driving at the backline and getting defenders off balanced. Seemed like he was the only one trying what they were working on in training. It was so refreshing to see him just go for it. I felt he was going to do something, and he sure did. Proud of the evolution of this kid and his journey. He's seems to make the best out of his situations. I used to think he was just a speed merchant (at the time he was) but he's added soo much to his game in little time.
  12. That doesn't cap tie someone anymore... It's 3 or more caps in official games or making an appearance in a continental tournament like the Gold Cup.
  13. Both guys are 28 and should be entering the peak of their careers...but it's seems like we have already seen their best, and they are in decline
  14. I don't know, maybe its an unpopular opinion but in the RWB position my ranking goes Tajon, Richie, and then Allistair. I don't think he's better than Richie. But in a RB setup I think he's better than Richie. I still believe based on our current crop of players, 352 is the best for us.
  15. RBs...Johnston, Laryea...after them who? LBs....Adekugbe, who else? (don't you dare put one of our most lethal players all the way back there)
  16. Sounds good in theory. But maybe Herdman needs a new one. He's always had a few for years, and I don't mind it being someone who is showing promise and has actually performed well.
  17. Different players. JRR wasn't running down players either and the USA changed both their CBs so not much tired legs. Compare Shaff to who he replaced. He was directly going at the fullbacks...and that's what you want from a LWB As for Brym theres as actually a few times, he got the ball and just went forward with it. One time he was fouled, the other time he lost it. It's funny because @Jack1997 kinda described how he plays. He works off a change of pace and likes to be on the ball and have the freedom to determine the play. He's definitely a second striker @VinceA, who starts from wide positions and drifts into the middle.That's what I seen him do a lot with Eindohoven this past year.His challenge is taking it up a level as the game is a lot quicker. I want to see more from him, but my criticism is metered because of his limited minutes. Some guys would look different when they start the game Vs coming off the bench.
  18. Some people's assessments are interesting. Since we play a 352...I implore you to think about the depth chart, and how some players did in this tournament. The reality is guys like Ahmed, and Bombito could likely replace the vets in the middle like Kaye and Piette permanently. I think Fraser did well, for not being meant to be there but he needs to get his club future sorted. I like him. In the back Kennedy is moving down the chart in favour of McGraw moving up. The key is him being a right footed CB (which we are thin on), and the coaching staff seem to think this as well. Also not factoring in the potential return of Cornelius. With Johnston being in the squad, I'm interested to see McGraw in the middle of the 3. In the wingback positions Laryea is solid, and is already the number 2 behind a healthy Tajon. Nobody else really got the chance to display themselves. On the left side, Shaffelburg showed best here in the limited minutes he played. His explosiveness, and directness could be a 3rd option behind Davies, and Adekugbe. Up top...Larin and David have these position locked down. So who's the depth options? To be honest it's all determined by how well a guy is currently doing. None of JRR, Millar (did really well as forward), Brym, Ugbo, and Cavallini staked their claim this tournament, and the only guy who's club future/status is sorted out is JRR, and he's a super sub at Columbus. Outside of Vitoria, Laryea, and Borjan...I think we'll continue to see McGraw, Ahmed, and Bombito...the rest are a toss up.
  19. He's still young, and it's not as if we didn't have a new player emerge in Bombito
  20. I'll have a go.... GK: Borjan, St. Clair, Sirios DF: Laryea, Johnston, Adekugbe, McGraw, Miller, Corneilius, MF: Kone, Eustaqiuo, Bombito, Ahmed, Choiniere, Osorio, FW: Davies, David, Larin, Buchanan, Shaffelburg, Hoilett, Ugbo 9 guys from the GC roster, while leaving a spot open for some guys like Kennedy, Millar, and Fraser to sort out their club situations.
  21. Great tournament. Played with pride, and represented the country well for what this team was. Player of the tournament for me was Laryea. Just consistent in what he does on defence and offence. Big movers into the first team for me is Ahmed, McGraw, Bombito ....and Shaff could be a super sub.
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