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Everything posted by Shway

  1. That's exactly what I was alluding to 😂
  2. He's ALWAYS going at opponents, which is what you want from a winger. Feel like we definitely could've used his skillset at the Gold Cup, we were missing a bit of directness. A great start to his season, and it should put him back into the CMNT.
  3. Welp, I guess he always wanted to play for TFC.
  4. The game against Australia will and should feel like a final. The ladies and x will be going up against a tough home crowd, who know whats at stake. I just hope Bev doesn't have them sit back,,,because they gotta go for it.
  5. Nigeria currently beating Australia 3-1. Group B is still a toss up, till the last game.
  6. Tonight's game will be interesting lol.
  7. I think I want to see her in the 9. I think Sinclair should be a super sub at this point. She is having a bad game.
  8. Sinclair playing where she should be, and Fleming in behind is massive. Missed this against the Nigerians.
  9. The women will crash out earlier than expected, and will blame that their focus was on ratifying this deal. It's just weird how deals are being worked on when they should be focused on playing...it's an easy justified cop out.
  10. Not when Insigne is on a contract till 26', Petretta is on till 25', Bernaboy 26', Rosted 25'. All those guys need to go. And will be hard to move them within the league. Without freeing up the DP slots, and some of the big senior roster players....Jason is going to have to work some real magic.
  11. I feel like his motivation levels are just entirely down. He's winning at the bank as he's on massive wages that don't make sense in the league for his output. (It does at TFC however with Italians on stupid salaries) I hope he gets that motivation/hunger back.
  12. Makes room for who! I beg your pardon... Those guys need USL or CPL loans. Hugo isn't ready, and Peruzza is not able to play at this level.
  13. Just get rid of them at all costs. Pitch them to Saudi or something, get them outta of the club. And have Manning follow.
  14. Our Barcelona insider predicted this. 🙄
  15. Said this about Richie Ennin, but he didn't even make a prelim roster. So I don't think the RPL is rated highly by the coaching staff.
  16. Starting on the bench for the season opener. Hope he's comes off the bench and can make an impact.
  17. Could care less about this tournament. Please notify me when Messi is on...
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