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Everything posted by Shway

  1. Yea, it's child trafficking in the eyes of FIFA. Barca and other big clubs were criminal to this. The ones who can leave early, have European ancestry. The other option is if your parents move to said country for a job opportunity not related to soccer.
  2. ...Or to MLS next pro team and holds his belly between his hands.
  3. And if he is a standout..... And with the coach being.... We can expect TJ ball, like what we saw last World Cup with Nelson.
  4. And this is exactly how I feel if a coach isn't in place before year end. I was wishfully thinking that we could have someone in by the November games, but it's looking more likely to be the new manager having a few games in March as hopeful preparation for the Copa - not enough time. Knowing all of that, my expectations for Canada soccer in 2024 have drastically dropped.
  5. If Biello is there till March, we'll let's hope it's on merit. Right now, he's is and should just be the fill in manager.
  6. So they are doing a hire after to GS is hired...when was this decision made? What a waste of initial interviews with the ones who already did.
  7. Agreed. And it was a cynical cap too. I think the FIFA rule should be changed to minutes instead of appearances (or like minutes equaling to appearances) because stuff like this will continue to happen.
  8. Is that even real. Seems fake - Pochetino...really?...or is it just CSA semantics to make it seem like due diligence is being done. Comes out of nowhere tbh. Gallardo was recently interviewing with Marseille. and then there's the question of when did these interviews happen? Wasn't Herdman still on the job, or did he give a heads up in hindsight?
  9. I will say imo, the Championship is a higher level than the Swiss League. What proof? The vast quality of players (and internationals). Where does my conclusion come from? The greater amount of players that move onto D1 leagues (England, France, Italy, Portugal, Germany) that are deemed higher levels than the Swiss League. So for me, to see Millar performing at this level, and at a promotion fighting club is better than being at Basel. If he continues to perform, he'll be in the premier league, and if not a league better than the Swiss league (respectively) and that's all he could ask - trajectory.
  10. The forum bully, with his condescending know it all ways... I've just learned maturity is to simply ignore him...but you know, not literally ignore him because we all need the Spanish expert insights to keep up with the Larin reports that come hot off the press. How else will we know!
  11. Heibert is no for me dawg. He is as slow as ZMG, and doesn't have any aerial presence. If we're naming him, Zator, Waterman, and MacNaughton should have shouts.
  12. At the World Cup vs 2 of the best teams at the tournament? Kennedy struggled against lesser opposition no?
  13. I'll take Corneilius - Miller. Miller has been solid for Canada, and is having a decent second half season.
  14. I've said this before...I refuse to send insults, and getting into name calling over the internet...it's juvenile, and if @phil03took me saying "what are you smoking on" as an insult...then my bad.
  15. I get it, and it's right. But there isn't a championship or a cup given out for this. Why are we talking about budget when we know the owners are in the same financial bracket?
  16. you're right...I didn't realize we were going that far back.
  17. The bolded is laughable. They won the second division north american league. You would probably say Barcelona and Madrid are on the same level of success too right? right? Who else has a Supporters Shield? Who else has an MLS Cup? Who else has X amount more players sent to the national team as a result of their club? Let's just talk straight facts. Yes TFC has spent way more, but that's what separates the difference between the haves and the have-nots. I promise you, there aren't awards for these stupid takes like " TFC is well ahead in the race to have the worst record in relation to budget in the history of the MLS"....but since you know it all if there are, please let me know and I'll stand corrected.
  18. Sane person....that's an insult. Let's keep talking about it....the man from Barcelona where football was invented said it makes sense, so it makes sense.
  19. And here comes the hypocrite who typically has covert discriminatory remarks..... but hey I'm still in my parent's basement living in the ghetto so forgive my ignorance. Like I said this thread has gone to shits. So let's go out and get the tactician specialist that is Bev Preistman.
  20. This thread has gone to shits...I need to get that strain of what Phil's smoking to let my smoker friends try it. Bev Priestman just led a team that set a record for not leaving the group after winning the Olympics. And now you're @phil03 suggesting she set a new record for being the first women to coach a mens national team?Talk about failing upward. I'm not a misogynist...but this is stupid, and would make us more of a joke then we already are.
  21. So it's all hoopla from the women. Making noise about nothing to make it seem like something?
  22. Damn...really sucks for him. I randomly met him before at a family party, and just in brief convo I thought he was a really good kid. Head on his shoulders, stayed out of trouble. Was really hoping that his stay in Norway would really propel his career. I hope he can turn it around.
  23. I think anyone saying "bring on Jamaica" is naive. Like Obinna said, we don't match up well with them because most of our skillset is what they have (strong offence - weak defence)....and on their pitch anything can happen. Remember we haven't played the new Jamaica at all. That home WCQ win was full of Jamaican premier league players, and the only players in that lineup today was Blake, and 2nd choice fullback Javain Brown. I want to avoid Jamaica at all costs.
  24. The fact is, they are still Canada's most successful club on all fronts.... Regardless of the hard years. We have, what others don't.
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