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Everything posted by Shway

  1. He needs a refresh, and fast. So I hope they come in January for him.
  2. With rumors of a 4th DP...I expect TFC to sign any of these guys below...
  3. why do you feel that way. And just to know what side you are on lol....do you feel it's best that are Canadian teams are in this "joke" league?
  4. and this is why I'm nervous about playing them....nothing to lose, and everything to gain. It's damned if they don't and mas if they do. For us, we're fucked as a program if we don't. But I will say I feel like how I did against Suriname in 21".
  5. Good luck kid. Can't fault him for where his heart lies, but he may revisit his ties when he's 26 and hasn't played international ball. The states is deeeeeeeep with strikers born after 2000.
  6. I don't want to sound like I'm partial to Jamaica, but I just think what they are building over there is only going to get better and stronger. With the increase in WC spots, it will greatly influence a lot of quality additions to that team which could push them to join the #2 conversation nvm the #3. For Canada, and Panama there's not much in the pipeline to get excited about outside of the great talent that is there now, and can they go to elite levels.
  7. Whatever happened to him? Did he go back to America or is he waiting for Trump to return first?
  8. An African team wouldn't be possible, due to the AFCON 23 taking place. Unless you want to play Ethiopia or Somalia. And at that point, we might as well play a friendly against an MLS or CPL team. Serbia would be interesting, they were on this side of the world last year and played games against the States. I think our best competition to face is.....wait for it.......the USA.
  9. I'm starting to chuckle at the hype this guy gets... he's been at the helm for 2 years going on 3. His first sight of success with Panama is in the SF of NL 24". Remember, he took over a Panama that was coming off the back of their first ever WC qualification. They finished 2nd in the GC 23 with their first team squad meanwhile Canada, USA, Mexico all brought B/C teams. Long story short, Panama is playing well....but they haven't accomplished anything yet. They've lost who they've should've lost too, and beat who they should've beat. I don't know. But right before a massive game, with limited time to get your ideas/gameplans/know the players doesn't strike me as the best time. I agree it should've been quick, before the Japan game but such is the CSA. For me, personally....all that matters is that we qualify. Copa is supposed to be prep for the WC on "hOmE sOiL". So at this point, I don't care if we get washed by Brazil or Colombia as you've stated because 1. it's a learning/preparation experience 2. it's an adjustment period. That's the reality...we are in an adjustment period. Lastly, I don't believe a month or 2 is enough time for any new coach to get their philosophy through to the players. It just won't happen. We are seeing that with the Panama coach in his year three. International coaches can't sign whatever players that fit their style of play, they have to observe and scout all players that are available to them through time. It's what you have is what you get unless they are able to quickly identify a talent that could quickly emerge. What I know, and what I believe is that this team isn't going to experience many player turnovers from now till the T&T game - we have a core that will experience minimal change....so what will a new manager do in a month's time? Fail and then have the excuse that he didn't have enough time. It's built-in. EDIT: I had this post pending before I saw and read @Watchmen's post, but spot on brother.
  10. Currently...today is different from historically (which could play on some peoples minds) But I'll go with today. #1 USA (no debate needed) . . . #2 Mexico . #3 Jamaica....#4 Canada....#5 Panama . #6 Honduras #7 Costa Rica USA is a clear number 1...nobody is touching them for a good while (imo) Mexico is #2 right now, but that could easily change based on next year's performances. Jamaica is ahead based on performance trends, but it could easily change between Canada and Panama depending on results. Same thing goes for Honduras and Costa Rica.
  11. Beillo talked about hopefully having a camp, I think we will need one considering how the squad is probably feeling. With a lot of teams on break or out of season, we should be able to see a lot of familiar and new faces.
  12. Hear me out.... If we don't have a new coach before the hopeful camp Poutine. I don't want to see a new manager for the play-in game. I was hoping the coach would've been in for these two games because if the results didn't go their way (as it ended up) the their would've been a total of 3-4 games before the play-in game. But hindsight is the CSA. I don't want Biello....God knows I don't, but I don't think bringing in someone new after January would better help us in qualifying. Knowing that, any new coach that comes in will most definitely ruffle the brotherhood (I'm sick of it now, but it might not be good timing for that) If it's motivation the team needs, I'm sure Herdman can come in a give a hoopla speech before they leave for Dallas.
  13. Is this supposed to soften last nights loss? Brasil will be alright
  14. And this is the scary part for me. After the whole kings of Concacaf bullshit we've regressed really bad. I also think Jamaica is going to get better and stronger with the reinforcements they are targeting, which could push us down to fighting for 4th again with the likes of Panama.
  15. Trinidad is no Jamaica.........but I would prefer Costa Rica or Honduras. It's the underdog that makes me nervous, and the way Trinidad play doesn't help our style.
  16. I get it if we were chasing the game. But Kaye is more calm on the ball than Ali. It won't be a popular opinion but if we were chasing the game (at the time we weren't) then I would've preferred to Ali. Was just bad timing.
  17. Here's the VAR... Extremely harsh call on Staq, his arm was close to his body. Happens at 6:33
  18. Yea this sounds more like sorrows than anything. I felt like there was too much mutual respect between the players. Only until shit went sour.
  19. What did you see that was Concacafy? Trying to time waste when Leon when down and the ball was thrown out by Blake and Canada didn't return it? I didn't see them doing anything like the usual culprits of Concacaf...(feigning injuries, dirty shit, referee intimidation, etc.)
  20. Stadium was surprisingly full, other than the stand that wasn't open. Jamaicans were scattered all throughout the stadium which was expected. You only heard them when they scored... and the result was the reason for that.
  21. I'm home, and I can't believe what I just witnessed. Jamaican fans were out in numbers. And we folded like a plastic plate. I'm still waiting to see that VAR call on the penalty. Looks like we gotta go through Costa Rica to get to the Copa. It's too early in the week for this disappointment.
  22. Was at the game, Can someone show me the VAR call...I thought it was a grab back by somebody but wasn't sure.
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