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Everything posted by Shway

  1. I'm in no way being a sexist, and I don't see them putting their hat in as an issue as well. I'm just curious why it always seems like a search for validation from men. I get when it may feel like you've exhausted all your challenges amongst the women's game and feel like you want to try something new (Becky Hammon is a perfect example). But a lot of the times, it seems as if they are unqualified and they want the job for more of a social moral win, rather than actually being someone fit and accomplished for the job. I say this because the women's game is at its biggest growth opportunity, and it needs the best women's coaches, the best women referees, the best women management teams to better promote their product to who their target fan base should be women. This is a convo for different thread, but I have the same opinion about social/poltical moral wins for BIPOC, BAME, or whatever clever acronym they come up with.
  2. That isn't something to "joke" about as a coach and my humour is very open. Could always be easily misinterpreted.
  3. https://x.com/NiltonJorge/status/1732215911312982523?s=20 (its not doing the Twitter post thing) But apparently Bev Priestman has put her hat in the running for the CF Montreal coaching job. I for one don't know what the affinity is with women coaches, refs, etc wanting to be excepted into the men's game, rather than advancing the women's game like Emma Hayes. I simply just don't get it.
  4. Would be perfect if he won with Columbus and then joined. But he definitely should be in the conversation considering the formation and style of play he deploys.
  5. Naw man, we are good at LCB or LB options. He is way too immobile for international football for me. I would rather see Kennedy, and Zator.
  6. As much as I would like to see him in the prem league, this sounds like nonsense. Unless Pep sees him as a RW, then that is the only possible reason. Because he doesn't fit their profile of an inverted RB.
  7. I'll take Argentina in Atlanta for $100 please. ...I would love to see Canada vs Brazil, but I know LA is going to cost more than Atlanta.
  8. There's been talk he's already committed to Canada. He was trying to join the U17 setup but couldn't due to the hostage shit.
  9. Born and raised in Toronto... Left to play in Europe at 11, and now is back in MLS at 17 and....counts as an international player on their roster. But somehow this is our league. Let's hope FC Dallas has the lawyers to get him his green card next year.
  10. Official link: https://www.fcdallas.com/news/fc-dallas-signs-romanian-international-enes-sali
  11. @InglewoodJack you keep repeating that Borjan has played in South America...but he hasn't. And to my recollection he's only played against a couple SA teams in North America. Plus this tournament is played in the States...and Mexico brings a similar SA atmosphere to what would be allowed in the USA.
  12. Who wants to bet me he doesn't sign anywhere else in MLS?
  13. This is the story for a lot of teams.
  14. In his entire career he was never an important piece, game changer or influencer. He was always just a role player. Knowing this, he wouldn't have much options as a free agent because he doesn't bring anything other than experience...and clubs would rather spend their money and game time to their younger prospects.
  15. I'm aware...but why wasn't he called into their last games?
  16. I hear you...but by purist, I meant Italian - Italian. Jorginho, and Retegui have Italian ancestry although not being born in Italy, still can pass for being Italian - if you get what I mean. Kean, Udogie, and Gnoto.... are born in Italy but are Ivorian and Nigerian descendants. I agree, I just think they will look for solutions from within without compromising the look of the Azzurri. https://www.offtheball.com/soccer/arrigo-sacchi-says-there-are-too-many-black-players-in-italy-297606
  17. I think we should treat it the same way. The issue is we have is that we need to qualify for it first. The reason I think so is because I don't want us to be Qatar at the "hOmE" WC, and blooding in new talent at the hardest competition possible would be massive for their experience in 2 years. Just doesn't make sense to me to bring guys like Borjan, Vitoria, and Hoilett if our goal is the round of 16 for the Copa. If we believe we can win it, then cool....but we all know that's not likely.
  18. I think the Italian national team has a bit of a purist mentality when it comes to team selections. Because there's no reason why guys like Udogie aren't in their team today. I think he ends up with the USA. They have a lot more to offer and promise in the long term.
  19. Personally I'm excited to see how they plan to turn things around. I'm pessimistic about the reality that they are essentially keeping things status quo for year 6 of the franchise. For me, I feel because things won't change immediately (brand, playing location) I would've preferred that this deal stayed silent until the new ownership was ready to start with those changes and tangible commitments. Theres a band aid feeling rather than a complete surgery.... and it's hard to be optimistic without hearing concrete plans out the gate.
  20. It's funny you mention contact because I see basketball as a non-contact sport (it's not my fathers basketball anymore). I feel like you're overstating the surrounding of the referees. Gone are the days when a team like Barca would surround the referees on every decision and intimidate and influence the refs to make a decision...I think we only see it now when a VAR decision is to be made, and at that point it's pretty much out of the head refs hands as they are being influenced by VAR officials. If I'm not mistaken majority of the top professional leagues has rules against the surrounding of referees.
  21. I keep hammering this home, but the only stadium solution in the city proper is to play out of Lamport. Make the necessary changes to the aesthetics, market it as the "cheaper" experience home experience where you can watch professional footy for a good price and have a 5$ beer, 3$ dollar hot dogs (ala Atlanta United) Without Saudi, Qatari, or UAE money there aren't pockets deep enough to build a stadium in Toronto that is easily accessible. It's cheaper to upgrade Lamport than it is to build a new stadium in an ideal Toronto location, and with the shit show that is going on at TFC now is the perfect time to take advantage of the space.
  22. I don't know if you've been following NBA convos but referring has been complained about at an all time high. Plus the NBA is thee worst to mention about referring. It's thee most subjective refereeing in all of sports, it's the reason why I struggle to watch games because I can't take how inconsistent the rules are applied, and how consistent the whistle is blown. Way too many times refs are making make-up calls or like @SthMelbRed mentioned favouring the star players. There's 3 refs, to 10 players. All 3 have the power to throw a player out the game if something is said to them. Fouls are similar to cautions. You just get a lot less warnings in soccer before your kicked out the game and suspended for the subsequent game(s) where basketball you get a flagrant 2 and you can play tomorrow night. The NBA is entertaining because its product is consistent. There's scoring every 15 secs which feeds to peoples attention spans. There's also many timed stoppages of play which does the same thing (at games fans can chat endlessly. There isn't elements to dictate how players perform, there's manufactured environments (makeeee some noiosee) that sustain entertainment To make sense of your comparison, I think if lineman's are given the equal share of the power of the main ref to make any calls it could change things. There's 2 refs (ARs are .5) to 22 players. Plainly put, it's a lot for a single ref to manage...and like Kayne raps "No one man should have all that power"
  23. So Staq is your vote, who got easily picked off the ball, and made countless errors over the two games against Jamaica? You can nitpick at any player, if he was flawless he would be at United. Overall Miller has been as solid and consistent as anyone else.
  24. Everybody says Staq for captain, but imo he looks as much as a leader as Davies does on the field. Who knows what goes on in the change rooms but all the videos we see, he doesn't strike me as the strong leader with presence and personality. Believe it or not, the guy who shows up and plays within his abilities, rarely messes up, leaves it out on the field, and fights for his players and the country is... Kamal Miller.
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