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Everything posted by Shway

  1. He does. The way I seen how he was at HFX, he would need a good hard preseason before any preason because he looks like he can barely move and he's only 30.
  2. At 29, I'm taking the MLS money and playing in either Vancouver or Toronto. Small old English town isn't for everyone. Assimilating is a real thing.
  3. I think we all agree with this here. It's just the reality that the draftee is taking a spot or competing with an academy player.
  4. TFC could've used both of those guys. So that's confusing. Butttttt if you are saying that it's a good thing TFC didn't draft them because they are a shit show...then I'll change my reaction to a laugh lol.
  5. Or maybe he's locked in, focused, or just an extreme introvert? We've all heard about "judging a book by its cover" and I know you said "seems like" but I find it weird how people can pick emotions and decide a personality of someone they have no clue or information about.
  6. I wonder how long he'll wait for Canada before accepting a Haiti call. 2026 is so close, and the chances to qualify are greater than before.
  7. Finalizing a deal to join TFC.🤪
  8. He was the parent to the spoiled kids. Of course he's going to stay on the side of keeping his boys happy or not trying to mess up the strong family unit he created regardless of seeing the wrong. At no point did we hear John talking about money for himself (maybe because he was already being paid handsomely) but less we forget that's what the "ME" was all about. And the players bashing the CPL to worry about "ME money" was the issue. The only thing I pin on John is his choice of words against Croatia, and his tactics against the USA NL finals.
  9. Laryea had the same mature response, and has been one of those consistent contributors but I wouldn't say captain material just off the article I read about him talking about John. I guess you can have this perspective because of the last CMNT players words about him (Kaye)...but I don't know, he doesn't say anything "I will lead and fix this country" that wows me. He defends the coach. He defends himself and the players. Keeping the peace, isn't always good. As a captain you gotta ruffle the feathers sometimes, or lead by example. It's hard for a NT captain to lead by example in a short period of time. I would've loved to read something like..."we need to get back to what got us here, we need to look ourselves in the mirror and have the love, and gratitude to play for our country. Once we have that again, all the rest is noise. The pride and joy will bring us back to the top, and our skill and results will do our talking.
  10. But people will then quote some bullshit about American labour laws won't allow some to be favoured over others ...the USL had Canadians as domestics for years, as soon as their wasn't any more Canadian teams in the league the rule was rightfully so changed back to Canadians without green cards are considered international players. A lot more Canadians/CPL players would be in MLS if not for these stupid rules they create.
  11. That's exactly the point they are making. They are willing to give up 1 measly berth out of the 9 they already could have. Every year this league loses a bit of my attention.
  12. Shermanator gave me a false hope, but what did I truly expect. I was hoping that would freeze the fuck outta whoever stepped foot into Canada. Was Commonwealth not an option? Or was the cost too much? Surely the Foot Soldiers would prefer to take a trek to Edmonton rather than Langford no?
  13. CSA gives the exemption to MLS Canadians teams. This whole domestic players/approved clubs thing came at result of the CSA and less the MLS Canadian clubs. The CSA has more power than we think.
  14. He didn't say much? What did he disagree with the "we" part? To us fans, it very much so seemed like a lot of "Me" was going on before and for the coach to say it...I don't know I'm with JH on this. It's obvious Staq isn't going to say yes it's true!....if he did, then for me I would say it's captain material. A yes man, isn't captain material. (Not saying that is Staq, but it should be said)
  15. Another reason why MLS is bullshit. Or is it the CSA for not allowing CPL clubs to be on the homegrown list?
  16. https://www.mlssoccer.com/news/mls-plans-to-be-represented-by-mls-next-pro-clubs-in-2024-us-open-cup And there you have it, MLS making more of a mockery of things.
  17. Let's see what you mean... There it is lol. Making reference too is synonym for comparing. You exactly that by referring to those leagues as examples. Like @longlugan said, compare or refer to the other like tournaments whether it's UEFA, AFC, CAF or CONEMBOL, you will see the obvious similarities in qualifying vs what you see Concacaf do. Making reference to American leagues like the NHL, NBA, or MLB is egregious for many reasons, as they are considered anomalies to what the rest of the world does with their top leagues. There's a "champions league" for Hockey and in Europe, and for basketball FIBA has it every continent...(even the CEBL had a representative). MLS isn't NHL, NBA, or MLB even in the best comparison that it's nowhere near the best league product in the world, where those leagues are milllllleesssss ahead anything else.
  18. I hope he has the greatest comeback story.
  19. Youre right, especially considering their performance in the Concacaf league. But they still had the opportunity to qualify through the Central American Cup, a continental tournament that Canadian teams don't have access too (Leagues Cup). And it was completely fine if they brought back the in season tournament named Superliga in a bigger format which is called the Leagues Cup today. I don't see it lasting very long, especially in its current climate where all the games are played in MLS stadiums. I don't know what leverage they had over Concacaf (What were they going to say we won't participate in CCC, and forfeit our clubs chances at a FCWC spot?) when they hold all the power. Leagues Cup doesn't make any sense. Undersoil heating. They'll turn on the pipes, and heat that pitch up. 🤭
  20. I've called bullshit on this so many times... I hate how's there's soooo many American MLS clubs. Philadelphia, New England, and Orlando don't deserve to be in this tournament. 9...9!! American MLS clubs, and not one single club from Honduras or El Salvador. This is the first installment, but it needs to be changed immediately. Leagues Cup has given MLS and LigaMX wayyy too much power over Concacaf.
  21. Another start for our guy against Ipswich. A win today and they can climb into a playoff spot.
  22. Starting this afternoon against Huddersfield. He's playing on the left wing in 4231. Going to record this game.
  23. From the branding standpoint, I'll agree...it would be a lot of change for not. I'm a branding guy, and I just think(even with the rebrand) they missed the opportunity to really make themselves as the other Toronto team as far as colours goes. i.e Blue as the primary colour like the Jays, Leafs, and the Argos. Here's an idea... I also don't think a stadium will be built any time soon in the city, and I've stated many times about using Lamport Stadium as a permanent home, especially with the Arrows, and Wolfpack out of town. We talk about existing infrastructures that can host potential CPL teams, and just neglect the fact that it's an existing SSS stadium that just needs a lot of tender love and care. The city should be more than open to allowing tenants to upgrade the stadium at the expense of rental fees or tax breaks. So I don't see that as a temporary solution, but more a realistic long-term option as I don't think Woodbine will be a thing, and the WC26 is fast approaching. Anybody from the GTA, much less Toronto knows that there won't be a stadium built within the city proper anytime soon. Once you go into a place like Scarborough, it instantly alienates more than half the city imo.
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